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{Gabe's PoV}
I wait at the airport. These past 3 years have been exciting. I finished college and decided to work here. But every summer, I visited them. Especially after the incident. I couldn't believe that all that happened to MY sister. My younger sister. How did they live with themselves? And all for money?

She walks in. Hair tangled, body bruised up, and her face scrunched up in pain. I nearly run to her when I see the men behind her. How dare they do this to my little sister! She didn't deserve this. No one did. The man and father talk.

In a moment too soon, the gunshot rings out and I see my little sister turn pale and become limp in Jon's arms. No. No. No. Not my little sissy. Not my little Stella. Anger burns inside me but there's nothing I can do. The men have probably been put in jail by now. At least, I hope. An ambulance comes and they rush her to the hospital. Jon, Dad, Reagan and I with her. Robert and his wife are being taken care of by the police.

I look at my sister. She looks so lifeless. Well, I guess she kind of is. Tears fall down Reagan's cheeks and I see it happening to Dad and Jon. I feel tears swelling up too. How could they?! I pray a silent prayer. Knowing God's in control. But it's too hard to handle. She was somewhat tortured and now she was shot and possibly- dead? No.

We arrive at the hospital and the torturous waiting begins. They do what they can. I contact mom and give her the update and her reaction causes me to let the tears fall. She wails and starts crying and sobbing so loudly that it makes my heart ache more. Grace probably hasn't even heard yet. Mom drops the phone. I hear it hit the couch. Her sad tone of anguish and sadness fills me. Actually, the entire room. I had put it on speaker and everyone could hear. Grace comes in and I hear her talking. And soon we hear other tears and moans of sadness and grief. It's enough to make the while city cry. We say goodbye and I turn off the cellphone.

We're in a room now. The doctor's said she's done. But we haven't given up hope. Even if it's impossible, we know God can do great things. We plead for 2 days more. They give us permission with their own sad hearts. We stay and watch over her for the next day. On the second day, being crazily tired, we all nearly snap out of a daze when we hear the monitor beeping. Instead of a straight line, it's gone back to normal. Almost. We look at her and see her move and groan. In a few minutes, she sits up suddenly and smiles in realization as she sees our faces. She then explains how she saw Jesus and how He comforted her. I hug her so tight I could probably break her rib cage.

The next day, she's out. Jon stays for the rest of the week but Reagan and I go back. We have no choice. Jon contacted his school and nothing big is going on. Good for him. Reagan and I have tons of things to catch up on.

On the plane ride back, I think of this miracle. Thank You, Lord.

I smile as I see them approaching me.
I walk towards them and help with the luggage. We bring it to my car and we get settled to go home. Grace and Adrian are here. It's nice to have the whole family back together again. Along with the newest member.

I pull up on the driveway and we all, specifically, the boys, get the luggage out and bring them inside. We help the girls bring theirs to their rooms. Grace and Adrian share their room and Stella walks into hers like she's in a dream.

"Wake up." I say as I help bring the last of her bags inside her room. She looks at me and smiles. She wraps her arms around me and smiles. "Even if I just saw you Saturday at the wedding, I missed you so much." She says. I laugh. "Same here." I hug her back then we get ready for the "welcome back party" friends have prepared.

{Grace's PoV}
I breath in the smell of my old room. It's been so long. Adrian looks at me knowingly. I give him a small smile. I try to fix up as much as I can before we prepare for the little celebration tonight. I paused the movie appointments. I need to enjoy some time with my family. And what better way than spending my honeymoon back here, at home?

After arranging a few things for the next 2 weeks, I change into a dress and Adrian changes too. "Come on." I say as time passes. "It's nearly five." I say glancing at the clock. He chuckles. "I know." I link my arm in his and we walk downstairs. This guy is like my total- hmm. He's my bestest friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better to help me through my years of acting. I'm so thankful and blessed.

The small party starts with family friends here and there. Even Frank's here. He approaches Stella. Stella has so many admirers and she doesn't even know. Jon, obviously, now Frank and even Chris. I sort of sensed it from Chris the first time he stepped foot in my house. He and Stella became fast friends after she went back to school after that incident. He then became her "protector" and bodyguard. Like Frank. But since Frank lives a bit far from my place, Chris hangs with her more often. And now I can see their friendship has led to Chris liking Stella. And she doesn't even know about any of them. Not a clue.

After introductions were made and the time for dinner comes, we all pray and thank God for the safe trip and for bringing us all together. And thank You for bringing me back home. I pray silently.

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