News to everyone!

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Hey guys sorry for not posting for a long time but I hope u like this chapter

Hey y/n?
Yes Ginny? So about your wedding
Yes.....what about it?
Y/n did you invite everyone and make a invitation list?
Well yes I think
Ok I was just making sure.
Ok well I have to see Draco bye Ginny

(She bumps into miss.pomfrey)

Oh iam so sorry darling are you here to see Draco?

Umm yes..
Ok well he's over there.
(Y/n goes over to Draco)

Hey Draco how are u? Iam fine what about you?
Oh umm iam ok iam sorry for not being there for you...

It's alright it's not your fault and iam sorry to for not telling...mostly my fault

Well Draco you have to start telling me this like this iam not just sad iam kinda mad why didn't you tell me?! I could've helped you

Sorry y/n I just didn't want to you to go to stress your already worried about our wedding and I didn't want to make you stress even more.
Ok well it's a good this I found you...just don't scratch your arm ok put cold water on it and I'll always be here to help you.

Thanks y/n.

Well what can I say anything for my future husband.

Haha ok bye y/n iam pretty sure you have lots of classes that you don't wanna be late for and I don't wanna cause that so bye.

Well ok bye like I said if it hurts don't scratch it!

I know you've told me that at least about 1 trillion times....

After y/n left

Wow she sure is a special girl to you isn't she?
Umm yes she really is...why do u ask?
Oh well umm whenever you're with her you always smile.....oh I eh never noticed umm well miss.pomfrey iam pretty sure McGonagall asked you to visit her office this morning? Oh yea thanks for reminding me darling.

Draco! Oh hello y/n.

What's up? I-umm thought that I could keep you Company and now since I have nothing else to do and I am done with some of the classes. Oh ok well I'm not a really fun person.
I know! But umm your also sick right now and I wanted to be like the girls in movies.

What are you talking about? Ok so basically a lot of girls in movies tend to help their fiancé's or boyfriends when they're sick and I.......would be really mean if I didn't help you or keep you Company.....

Omg y/n you don't have to be like them

So you telling me to leave cuz if you are then fine fine I will iam totally cool with that...

No,no don't leave I like it when your around.
Really? Yea you always make me laugh or put a smile on my face you know your the first one to do so no one has ever really made me happy or smile like you do.

Welll in that case of course I would stay anyways. So what happened between you and your dad? Huh? Well when I asked some of your friends where are you were they told me that you had some problems with your dad.. and I know he's really annoying to you and stuff like that but I wanna know what's really up with you and him..

Oh... umm well the thing is my dad believes in pure blood stuff and I honestly don't care what kind of blood or whatever the hell kind of money you have. I want to be friends with muggles but if I do then my dad's gonna yell and hit me..he only wants me to be friends with spoiled stupid Purebloods. It's really annoying...

Oh...I-iam so sorry that I didn't know I tried to be close with you when you was young but you always shut me out Before I even explain... now Now I know why i'm so sorry I was being so well stupid... but hey now that I know I will never let your dad ever miss treat you ever again.. if he dies he'll have to go through me.

I just wanna say that I'll always be there for you.. you can talk to me whenever you want you have my number so use it.

Thanks y/n and I'm sorry I kept on shutting you out when I was Younger it's just a lot of things were going on and I didn't know if I could tell you or not.

It's all right Draco....I-I love you.

See what happens in the next chapter😘bye ily!

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