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Hermione! Can you help me with my potions homework? Iam so sorry y/n but your Breyer at potion then I am so if there's anything subtract that you need help with just ask me but for potions you have to ask draco...I hope I-

It's all right honestly it's about time that I even spoke to him unless I can just ask my dad to ask draco to help me with potions.

OK well if you say so y/n also there's going to be a dance in a couple of 3 months so maybe do you wanna go shopping with me Luna and Ginny? Sure I'd love to Hermione thanks for reminding me! No problem bye you don't wanna be late y/n. Bye Hermione.

At potions class

Ok students you will be learning how to make the truth serum vertitaserm today. I hope once your your done you can make another potion. Now do we have a any questions before we start?.. yes Mr. Weasley?

Sir why do we need to make the truth serum I mean it's gonna take half of class anyways and you want us to make Another one?!?

I appreciate you have a lot of opinions about what I say Mr. Weasley but I would recommend not talking to Mr.Potter to finish everything. All right..

After class

You many all be dismissed. Dad? Yes y/n?
I was actually wondering if you could ask draco to help me with potions since iam not the best at it.. and why Draco? Because well umm Hermione told me he's the best in potions so I wanted to ask you if you can tell him to help me with potions.. darling I thought you didn't want to talk to Draco I mean after what happed with you were young. Dad that was the past and puls I need to learn and have some people to help me so can you? Of course y/n. Thank you so much bye dad! Bye y/n.

After all classes

So Y/n ? I heard that you needed me to help you in potions.
Yes I needed you to help me.
Ok y/n iam sorry for calling you by your name but why didn't you ask me directly then asking professor snape? Well I thought after all that happened in the past and we haven't talked in a while I thought it would be awkward to bring everything up...

oh well ok but you could have still asked me.
Well I'm sorry Draco but it's not my fault that you don't even talk to me and just stare at me and it's really awkward! Y/N! You know it wasn't my intentions to not believe you but pansly was one of my friends an-

So am I draco I was one of your friends to I had known you more then pansly and you still believed her and left me alone how do you think it would've made you feel if I had done that to you??!

You know what fuck you and you're being so childish and annoying! sometimes I wish I had never know you y/n! You're always so dramatic about everything! You don't even know what I have to go through not everything is about you! I like pansly beacuse she actually was there for me and-
Stop screaming at me draco! Out of all people you should know that I get scared when people scream at me! Y/n says sobbing...

Y/n runs out of the room crying...
(When they were young)
Y/N! WAIT! Draco says as he runs after y/n..
OW! Y/n are you ok? What's wrong? I-I iam sorry Draco I get really scared when people are screaming and yelling..and I tripped my knee hurts
Can you walk y/n? No...
it's alright from now on I promise to always be there for you and people are yelling or screaming. Here I will take you home.
But I-
Hope on y/n.
(Y/n gets on Draco's back btw their 5)
Ok Draco don't tell my mommy and daddy about this ok?
Of course y/n.

Flashback ends..

Hey draco what are you doing here??
Huh? What do you mean Blaise?? Draco you've been in here for two hours? Come on we have to go to the great Hall for dinner. Oh right sorry I had some thing on my mind let's go we don't wanna late..

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