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After Hermione got into the dresses to show Draco.

So what do you think? Hermione said as he came form behind the curtains and gave a little spin.

Wow it's beautiful but I feel like well it's not the right dress for you. Oh ok I well go change into the next one.

2nd dress. So what about this one?

Honestly you look beautiful but the thing is it's a little too plain on the bottom but for the top it's pretty and it is gonna be really hot so I think u might wanna not wear the sleeve part.

Omg Draco stop going off topic! I will change into the final dress. Ok ok iam sorry y/n

Hermione got into the final dress and looked in the mirror she hoped he would like this one it was her favorite. She finally walked out of the dressing room and did a big spin and the dress made a huge circle shape when she did.

Draco's eyes widened as Hermione came out he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world in that dress and now Draco is daydreaming(like usual)

Draco? Draco!! DRACO?!!

Huh? What where's the dress and Hermione??

Iam right her and now can u plz tell me if I l-

You look beautiful like a p- no a queen. I think this is the right dress!
Really?! Thank u Draco (Draco smirks)

Since we have everything we need let's go home. Yea Draco let's go home.

After they got home

Ok Draco can u put the dress and suit in our room i'm gonna make us some lunch..oh no! Wait draco?

Yes y/n what's wrong? I-I think I forgot to buy some make up I remember I ran out of some. Agh can u get some for me?

Y/n u do know u can just do a spell?

Huh really? Yes y/n u didn't know that?

No well I didn't I thought that unnecessary magic was not allowed.

Well you can and usually it does it for you if u tell it what kind of look ur going for. But I have to go but then somewhere in our closet so bye y/n try not to burn anything. Draco seriously stop I'm not gonna burn anything!!

Hahah I know bye!

So guys this is kind of a short chapter I'm really sorry I have to join my zoom class in a couple of minutes😂 but bye luv u BTW I updated the chapter because this chapter was supposed to be for another one so as you can see I kind of got like mixed up I'm really sorry!

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