Chapter 15: Kidnapped

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***Flashback*** Darcy's pov:

Loki, Tony and Nat just left on a mission or whatever so I guess there's not much else to do than to sit around and wait. I'm not exactly sure what's happening, all I know is that they are hunting this Nathan guy who apparently is a total physho. I hope they're back soon. 


"Jane, Darcy, get behind us, it can't be someone on the team because they have face ID to get in. We can never be to careful!", Steve curiously yet cautiously says. I get behind him and the other guy, I think his name was Chris or Clinton or something? Anyways the door suddenly flies open and I can't see anything because there's smoke everyone. Gas maybe? Something pushes me and I fall and when I look up there's this huge dude standing over Steve and his friends body. There's someone else behind him, stopping him from killing Steve and Clark and then he looks at me and smiles. SUPER CREEPY! Jane is the next to me and the guy tries to take her arm and pull her away, but I of course try to stop him. Unfortunately the other person stops me and ties me to the wall. They put this rag in my mouth and they leave through the door with Jane chained up against their sides. I pass out and when I wake up I hear voices, so I try to make some noise.

Present ----------------------------> 3rd person:

Shocked and angry Loki banged his fists on the table and cried. Tony and Natasha had never seen him this vulnerable. "We'll get her back Lokes, don't worry!", the intern mumbled. She was crying too, Jane was her best friend after all. "I'm not worried. I always get angry when someone takes what mine.", he answered. He stopped crying and told them to wake up their friends. He then went back to his room and slammed the door. 'I'm going to get you back Jane! Nathan better not touch you!", the prince thought as he planned his revenge.

Meanwhile in another realm far far away~

"Let me go you sociopath!", Jane screamed as he laughed. "Okay", he said calmly as he let her go right above a roring lava pit, he was holding her up by her sleeve. She winced slightly at this and started to sweat due to the high temperature. "You're not going to kill me. You need me, otherwise you wouldn't have kidnapped me.", the mortal said. Nathan laughed and pulled her up again, they were inches apart and he whispered:"Clever girl. But there's one thing you've apparently forgotten. I might not be able to to kill you, but I can certainly hurt you.". Jane trembled in fear and she wished to be back home in Loki's arms because, even with how angry she was at him and how many mistakes he made. She loved him and she would always love her.

Back on Midgard---->

*knock knock*

"Enter", Loki said. Steve enterred and sat down on the bed next to the God. "You know when Tony dissapeared, I was scared for life because I knew that if I lost Tony I'd lose myself. I couldn't let that happen, so I saved him and it went great. We escaped. We survived. And we're still surviving to this day LOki. People like us, people with abilities, have to go through each day and keep themselves and their partner alive. I, for a fact, know that you and Jane will survive because you're both strong. We'll get her out in no time!", Steve reassuringly said, patting the other man on his back. Loki smiled at him and said: "Well Captain, I think I have a plan". Steve smirked and they left to tell the other the idea.

"We should go back to Asgard! We can track Nathan down better from calculations are correct he needs Jane to perform some kind of experiment. We should call Bruce to come with us.", Tony ordered the group. They called for Skurge, but he didn't answer. They called again and again until finally the familiar colourful lights engulfed them and transported them back to the other realm. "Skurge, what took you so long?", Natasha asked. "Bathroom break, I'm sorry I took so long I mean have you seen the size of this bridge? You guys really can't leave me alone can you?", the guard laughed, but he was the only one. After a moment of very AWKWARD silence Clint said something to break the tension. "Hi I'm Clint. We're here to see Sif, it's an emergency...someone has been kidnapped.". Skurge nodded and once again the crew walked the rainbow bridge. All 8 of them; Clint, Steve, Tony, Natasha, Darcy, Bruce, Skurge and...Loki.

"Loki? Why are you back so soon? You've barely been gone an hour!", the Queen asked curiously. The Prince handed her a note, she read it, desperate to find out what was going on."Oh my Thor!", she gasped and nodded. Then she immediately called a meeting in the throne room, ordering all personal, guests and villagers to assist. Once everyone had arrived and the crowd had settled, Sif said: "I wouldn't bring you all here for a simple announcement, Prince Loki Odinson has a message that he would like to present to you all. This is important and I'm afraid he might be the only one that can help us.". Once finished, the crowd murmured, but quieted down once the infamous Loki appeared. 

"Normally I would say goodevening, but this is everything except a good evening and I don't lie about things that are important to me. I'm guessing most of you know me as a lying evil murderer and criminal not to mention worst prince Asgard has ever experienced and with an ego bigger than himself. I won't deny all that because it's true, but my family and the people I care about are what matters most to me. Jane Foster, midgardian, has been kidnapped by Nathan Venrirson, although we have reason to believe this is not his real name. Jane Foster carries valuable information, and if he were to find out, which would be a danger to Asgard. Me and some...friends have done research and we are going to track her. Meanwhile I must warn you that we could be attacked anytime, so I ask you to stand down and be prepared. Nathan Venrirson started a war and we are going to finish it!", he said. The crowd remained silent for a solid 3 seconds before cheering and agreeing. 

He left the 'stage' and joined the Avengers in their conversation. "Friends huh?", Tony chuckled when Loki walked towards them. "Shut up Stark", he said, dramatically rolling his eyes. Then he changed his mind to join them and wandered around the Hall where people were now conversing, when he encountered some of his newest acquintances. "Acra, Viventem! Have you had time to settle in yet? I know it's only been an hour since you've arrived and we are already at war. My sincerest apologies!", the God smiled. So did they. "Well everyone is staring at us, probably shocked. Other than that the maid you sent is really kindand she installed a bed for Myra. She also insisted on staying with her during the meeting. She said the Queen wouldn't mind one maid not being present.", Acra smiled, but Loki knew something was up. 

First of all, all personel was required to come and so were the guests, so why stay behind to look after her if both had to go to the same meeting? Seconf of all who was that maid and why did she INSIST in staying with the ice giant child?


Hey everyone, I am so sorry for not updating. I've beeen feeling really unmotivated and I have trouble finding the time to update because there are a lot of exams at school. However Iwill try to write and update more to get this book over with ;). 

Who was the maid?

Toodles my Vanilla scented Candles~

-Maud aka the Pickle of Mishief

*mic drop*

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