Chapter 1: The Throne

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Note that before reading this story you should watch Thor and Thor 2. The story takes place after Dark World and the timeline is really fucked up

He sat on his Throne. He had just finished an important meeting with the Army Officers. Loki had been pretending to be Odin for quite some time now and he was getting frustrated with being stuck in the old man's body. While the Asgardian had been pretending to be his Father some other eventful events had taken place. Thor had gone back to Earth to help the Avengers defeat some mega intelligent killer robot, Tony Stark had build, and for a reason he did not know it made him think of his 'dead' brother. Thor had also broken up with the lovely Jane Foster and was now together with Lady Sif, who followed him everywhere. Even though they had broken up they were still close friends and The God of Thunder still visited her from time to time. Of course, The God of Mischief didn't care about his Brothers love life at all. 

Loki sat there for a few more minutes before a Guard ran toward him and warned him the meeting was going to start soon. And as he entered the room he came up with some safe little tricks he could play on the guards. 

After the meeting, the Asgardian Prince organized a buffet where he ate dinner with some important people, some of which he had never even seen. There were oysters and lobsters, Steak, Chinese, know all the Fancy Food. To drink there was wine or beer, anything fancy with alchohol really. Since the Asgardians had a hard time getting drunk they drank beer almost every moment of the day, every day. EVEN AT BREAKFAST! One of the younger men with light brown hair and a tony mustache suddenly started to speak to the disguised Loki.

"My Majesty,", he said, "You never really told us how your youngest son Loki died. Excuse me for my curiosity, my Lord! We mourned for him, but it's been a curious subject between villagers. Are we sure he's really dead?". The young man looked rather nervous to speak to his beloved king. He had clearly just had a promotion. The Trickster was surprised by the question and wondered what to answer, but he still managed to keep the impressions up. 

"Well of course I wasn't there when my son, Loki, passed away. The guard who found his body told me that he was stabbed with his own weapon. A sword made out of stone, which is very unusual for Loki. He assured me he was dead and I assure Asgard that he is dead.", he replied, trying to keep in his laugh. Oh dear was the God having fun, he laughed on the inside. 'I am such a Great Actor', the Prince thought. And oh my he was a great actor alright! Especially as he gave a sad smile at the man. 

After the Luxury dinner, he told the Guards not to bother him or let anyone in as he entered Odin's bedroom. The Prince felt relieved as he stopped the illusions and became himself once again. He put his pajamas on and lay on his bed and fell asleep. 

The Next morning he had to watch the young warriors' training. As he walked down the path to the training grounds a young boy or man I suppose, caught up with him. He looked familiar to the young officer he had spoken to the evening before. Same light brown hair, same green eyes... Loki supposed they were closely related. 

"Good Morning my Lord! My name is Nathan Venrirson, u spoke to my brother yesterday, perhaps u remember him, Damio? Anyways before the training started, I was wondering if u could give me some tips, you know some pointers since u are such a great warrior and king.". Loki was irritated by his fellow young adult and couldn't imagine a clingier person, and oh he wished he could say that out loud so much, but he mustn't blow his act! So the fake Odin decided to play along with the act:

"Oh dear boy, it would be my honor to give you some pointers. First of all, let your opponent take the first throw and remain calm. Remember to also remain calm at all times, if your feeling attacked; just kick them in the balls.", Loki personally didn't give the best advice, but not the worst either. He was clearly going easy on the Nathan boy, not that the youngling noticed. He was delighted, to say the least. When the training began it was just a handfight; meaning no weapons. The Trickster sat on his quite comfourtable looking chair watching the combat. It was per two. When the first combat finished, the next one started until it was Nathan's turn. He was fighting a blonde girl. The girl swung her fist towards his face, but he dodged it, grabbed her arm, and threw her across the combat area. She stood up in pain and ran forward, she managed to throw an unexpected punch into her opponants stomach to which he pushed her back, swinging her legs in the air and twisting them. The Girl screamed in agony and pain. Loki was pretty sure he broke her legs and frowned. Nathan smiled happily at his king as if nothing had happened, but something had clearly happened. The boy was fricking dangerous and the king realized that too, 'Better stay away from that kid.', he thought. 

After training there was Lunch and while the God walked to the Dining Hall, he saw a colorful flash at the Bifrost. The Blast was a sign that Thor and Lady Sif had returned from their mission...


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, sowwy for the short chapter :(. But I meannnnnnnnnnnnn, did you guys like it? I mean you guys obviously like it 'cus 

1- Otherwise you wouldn't be reading anymore and

2- FRICKING LOKI IS IN IT! eeeeeeeeeeeeek! 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, baaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii my little Fidget Spinerssssssss! 

-Maud :)

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