Chapter 8: Back from the Bahamas***

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The God wanted to look out for his little brother, but that was not aloud. Ghosts and spirits were only aloud to watch over their soulmates, should he ask his father if he could go see loki and warn him? Although Captain Sparklefingers (aka Thor) already knew the answer. When the Trickster had left Odin on Midgard, the king had to wonder 'round under the Prince's spell until Loki hurt his hands and the enchantement was broken, but unfortunately for the king right at the wrong moment. Actually it was at the very moment the God had been crossing the road and a truck that came out of no where ran him over. Odin believed it was the illusionists fault and so it came that Thor wasn't aloud to leave Sif's side. 'It would be disrespectful towards her', he sighed, there was nothing else he could do...unless...yes. He'd do that.

Back to the other Prince~ 

The sweet taste of Chinese food melted on their tongues, more precisely the ramen. A little bit of Soja sauce dripped from Jane's lips and Loki chuckled. He said: "There's something on your the other side. Wait let me help you!", he bend over and wiped her chin and the corners of her mouth with a tissue. The Scientist got all red in the face and mumbled: "Thank you.". The awkward silence intensified slowly while they were both blushing.

The following days nothing really exciting happened on Earth. Every morning Jane left early to the university and came back late in the evening. They didn't even talk except for the occasional: 

'Goodmorning......Goodbye..........................Goodevening....Dinner is ready.........Goodnight',

nothing more until Jane came home from work one day, totally exhausted. 'Ugh, I still have to make dinner, I don't want to, ughhhhhh. And where is Loki? He's usually here to great me and hmmmm what's that delicious smell?'. She put her duck slippers on and walked to the kitchen where the smell came from. Loki stood waiting for her there. That day he was wearing black ripped jeans and a tight white shirt that was slightly see-through because Jane could lightly see his abs through the shirt and quickly got distracted. Typical. ~ooooh~ "Hey.", he said. The womans gaze quickly turned back to his face and she stuttered: "Hey.", back. Then she blurted out: "Did you do this all by yourself? For me?". The God gestured for her to sit down before he said: "Well yeah, we haven't talked much these last few days, you've always been working.". Jane smiled, she also got a little bit red in the face by his nice gesture. The Trickster took the Cooking Pot and filled their plates. He made potato mush 0.0 with brown sauce and neon beans °-° and meat filled with paprika. There was a little bit of mustard and beer noticeable in the sauce. loki eagerly waited fo her to taste the meal he made and when she pricked her fork into the food, he got all excited. Jane's tongue touched it and the taste immediately took over her whole mouth. It was delicious! 

She tasted:

-beer from the sauce, 

-tomatoes and paprikas, 


The Prince had created a sort of Curry-like taste and Jane loved it! "This is delicious, seriously! This is like the best thing ever! Is this your own recipe?", she asked curiously. His face lit up and he nodded, taking a bite himself. A few minutes later they were done, took an ice cream from the freezer and settled themselves on the Purple Sofa. They licked their ice creams in silence (except for the ASMR) until Jane decided to ask: "How are your hands? Are they healing well? I know I ask it a lot, but I'm worried for them. And How are you dealing with your brothers death, it's only been a few days...?". Loki wanted to cry at every mention of his brothers death, but he held back his tears. He couldn't cry infront of her, it would make him look weak. Vulnerable. He sighed before answering her question: "My hands are doing rather well, they're healing good. Thanks for asking.", Jane hesitated. Had the God avoided her question about Thors death? "You didn't answer my other question.", she said confidently. The Trickster was trying to hold in his temper, but it was difficult. "He's not my brother. I call him that, but he isn't.", he said, "I was adopted.", Jane was quite confused. Although if you really thought about it, Loki didn't look like his 'parents' at all nor Thor and he was...different from them. She had always seen Loki as the bad guy, but the man infront of her was thoughtful and funny, not like the man she knew before. She carefully asked him to tell her about it, which surprisingly he did:

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