Chapter 17: Why would she do that?

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The other two looked at eachother; dumbfounded. "How would you know that Loki?", the spy asked. The sketch did slightly ressemble her beautiful traits. "Because I have a feeling.", he sighed, "I have a feeling it's her, and my feelings are always right.". The Trickster confidently walked over to the Avengers. He held up the sketch Clint had drawn and completed it with an illusion. "What?", Steve confusingly asked. Tony seemed to be equally confused, but Bruce seemed to totally get it. "That's Jane!", he whispered, "Is she the maid we were looking for?". Loki shrugged, "We'll have to to ask Acra and Viventem for confirmation, but for now she's our main suspect. She could have had accomplices too.", he said. 

As the whole of the superhero group went to see the Ice Giant couple (again) Darcy and Sif got some alone time. 

"Would you maybe want to change out of those despicable clothes? I'm sure I have a beautiful dress you could wear.", Sif smiled gently. "I'd love that Cutie. Why don't you show me your room so I can change?", Darcy answered smoothly. She knew it was not the time to flirt, but she just couldn't help herself, staring into Sifs beautiful green eyes. A kind of forest green with specks of Amber. She knew her best friend was a suspect in a kidnapping, but the others were investigating that already, she wouldn't want to be in their way now, would she? Don't get me wrong, she did miss Jane awfully and she was also very worried, but Sif calmed her down and restrained her from going after Jane alone.

Sif couldn't stop smiling on the way to her room, she wanted to keep darcy all to herself, she's never felt this way about a girl before and it exciting! Once arrived in the Queens room, Sif took a good look around. The walls and columns supporting the ceiling were white and there were beautiful golden sculptures on them. There was a big glass door at the end of the room which leaded to a grant balcony. The furniture was of luxury and silver upholstered some pieces.

"Wow! You're room is awesome rad!", Darcy said, laughing at all the expensive stuff. It was the most beautiful room she had ever seen or been in! "Is that a good thing?", Sif asked hesitantly, it would get her some time to fully understand how Darcy's language and slang worked. The intern nodded playfully. "Well, follow me then, I'll show you the closet!".

They walked to the left side of the room into another room, a bit smaller than the first one. This one was basically a giant closet. Many colours reflected into their eyes. "Oh my God! This is so stylish! Wow, you've officially impressed me, good job sweetheart!", Darcy flirted, laughing at the Queens flustered reaction. 'AAAAAAAWWWW, how cute is that! I swear these Asgardians are too gorgeous!', she thought. "Well go try one on, 'Honey'.", the Asgardian smirked leaving the Intern blushing and walked out of the closet. 

Darcy looked around in awe, there were so many beautiful dresses, how was she supposed to choose one?! Her eyes finally settled on a beautiful long red dress. 

It went well with her long blonde hair and blue eyes

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It went well with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. It even matched with her black glasses! As she put the dress on and walked out of the room Sif froze. She was in awe with the gorgeous mortal standing infront of her. "Earth to Sif!", the Intern said, waving a hand infront of the Queens eyes who was now staring into space. "You look beautiful...", she said looking back at Darcy, smiling.


"Yes! That's her!", viventem affirmed, "How did you know?". "She's my uhh....friend. She's my friend.", Loki said. "Oh....Do you think you'll be able to get Myra back?", Acra asked expectantly. "Of course ma'am! We assure you that she'll come back without a scratch!", Steve said, smiling, but Bruce pulled him back and whispered: "We don't know that Cap, she could've already been harmed!". The blonde frowned, "Well then we'll unharm her! Easy Peasy, right?", he smirked dumbly. "Steve that is not how it works!", the Doctor said, hitting Steve on the head. Loki gave the Ice Giants a poster with Jane's face on it and told them to look for witnesses. They naturally agreed, hoping to find their daughter in the process. The Avengers split up in groups of two to go ask people if they had seen her. 

The Groups were as following: Natasha and Clint, Tony and Bruce, and Loki and Steve.

Before leaving Cap decided to make an ecouraging speech, 

"6 people, 3 posters, 1 mission. One goal team, no mistakes, no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we don't know, some of us do, that doesn't mean to know what to expect. Be careful, keep your eyes open, look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives, whatever it takes to avenge Thor.".

Each of them were going around with a poster to look for witnesses and to find out where she might've gone.

Most of the people hadn't seen her, others claimed they had, but a few Asgardians recognised the face. "Yes I had noticed her face from across the Hall when when the Queen had called us all together. I saw that she was a maid and suddenly she became less attractive.", one guy in particular had said. Loki was close to punching him in the face, but Steve stopped him. "So, she was here? But then how did she kidnap Myra?", Steve asked, it was also the question Loki had in mind. Another person said that they had approached Jane and had tried to talk to her. "Hello, I have never seen you before, are you Asgardian? How are you?", they had asked. "Hello, how about we go to my room, I'll show you something special.", she had answered. Which was strange and totally unrelated, she had not answered their questions at all. Then they had seen her eyes glow red and her body and head were glowing red too. They had curiously followed her to a room where the Ice Giant kid was sitting. "If anyone asks about me, tell him he should keep his mind cool like he does because he's quite hot-tempered.", she had said, then before she could be stopped she took the child and jumped of the balcony. She just vanished.

"Keep your mind cool? What does that mean?", Steve said, but as much as Loki hated to admit it, he had no idea what that meant.


Hey my sweet Vanilla scented candles! Thank you so much for 700 views, it means a lot to me! Also sorry for the short chapters, I don't really know how to continue this book (don't worry I will) because I'm not that good at writing mystery books! Also I hope you all liked the little moment I wrote between Darcy and Sif, y'all should come with a ship name for these two because I'm too lazy to do it myself. 

Loki and Steve also seem to be growing a friendship together, yay! I hope all of you got the reference about Steve's speech, if not; don't worry he said a speech like that in one of the movies. This book will be ending soon and I have a few options for new book ideas, they are as following:

-An original book which I'm really excited about. It'll be kind off inspired by Game of Thrones and the Maze Runner, maybe Love and Monsters too. 

-Another Drarry fanfic which would be a little more spicyyyyyy kind off a relationship where Draco and Harry tease each other and have to overcome obstacles to be together. I kind off already started writing it.

-An original book (probably) based on my grandfather, his assistant and his girlfriend. It would be a horror book, I'm also really excited for this one.

Anyways baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *mic drop*

-Maud :) 

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