The Strange Encounter

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After a couple minutes of exploring, Dream decided it was time for him to head home. He reached to the door only to find it locked. Dream kept trying to open the door until he heard a voice coming from behind him. "There's no use trying to escape. Anyone who enters never leaves" the mysterious voice explained, slowly getting nearer to Dream's current position. The voice sounded similar to the scream Dream had heard earlier. This only caused him to try harder to open the door. Although, it was still helpless. It still remains locked.

"What did I just tell you? It won't open. You are stuck here" the voice explained once again, but this time sounding closer than before. Dream cautiously turned around and looked in every direction, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. His eyes then set on a ghostly figure standing a few feet away from him. The figure stood still and stared at Dream before breaking the silence. "My name is Ghostbur. Not that it matters. What's yours?" The figure smiled. However, Dream remained silent.

Moments of silent later, Dream finally said something. "My name is Clay but you can call me Dream" he stuttered, not making a single bit of eye contact with the figure that was closer once again. This only cause more silence in the entrance hall of the castle. None of the two spoke for what seemed like ages. Although the silence was awkward, it didn't stop Ghostbur from walking closer towards Dream. Dream kept backing up against locked door. He back up until he couldn't back up anymore, so instead he sprinted down one of the unknown hallways. Dream ended up dropping his camera - which surprisingly didn't break - in the process of running away.

Dream didn't know what to do, so he just kept running. He didn't know where he was running to but he didn't care. When he ran away, the ghost called, "What's wrong? Never seen a ghost before?" after him, mocking the way Dream had spoken a few minutes ago. Dream had ignored these questions and continued to run. He wanted to get as far away as possible from Ghostbur. He didn't even turn back once to check if the ghost was following him or not.

Accelerating through the unknown halls, Dream continued to run until he couldn't run anymore. He decided to take a short break before realising something. He had left his camera behind. At this thought, a bunch of questions came flooding into Dream's mind, "Is my camera still there? Did it break? What do I do if it broke? What will I show my friends if it did? What if the ghost took it? Had the ghost even gone?" Dream attempted to ignore the questions in his head and decided to focus on retrieving his camera.

When Dream got back to the locked door, Ghostbur was nowhere to be seen. A wave of relief washed over Dream when he saw his camera still on the floor untouched. He carefully walked over to his camera trying not to get his face in frame, just in case it was still recording. It wasn't that Dream didn't want to show his friends his face, but he was nervous to. Even though him, George and Sapnap had been friends for a few years, Dream didn't know how they would react when they saw his face for the first time.

When Dream reached his camera, he picked it up off the floor, that had patches of mold here and there. He slowly examined his camera, still trying to not catch his face in the frame. "Thank God it didn't break" Dream whispered to himself while cleaning the lense of the camera with the sleeve of his hoodie. The hoodie he was wearing was his lime green smile hoodie. It was his favourite hoodie out of all the goodies he owned and overall was the comfiest as well. He continued to clean the lense until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

A/n: 676 words. I hope you enjoyed it I will try to post two or three more parts tomorrow. It depends on how long it takes me to write the first two parts to whether I post a third part along with the two I post tomorrow but I might also end up posting one part tomorrow. We will just have to wait and see.

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