The voices of the forest

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As Dream started walking through the forest surrounding the castle, he began to forget what direction he needed to go in. He had turned his camera off by then and was now holding it down by his side. Dream tried to remember which direction he had to go in, but this just resulted in him into getting even more lost.

Dream reached for his phone, which was in the back pocket of his black jeans. He had decided to open up Google maps to use it to find a way out of the colossal forest he was now stuck in. Dream unlocked his phone and went to open the app. However, he was only met with disappointment when the app didn't load. He had no signal. This had to be one of the worst things to ever happen to him.

Out I'm a colossal forest. No signal. Completely lost.

Dream continued to look for where he came from when he first enter the forest for his dare. Although, it was no help. Dream started to give up hope, until he started to hear voices coming from somewhere in the forest. However, they weren't just any voices. They were familiar voices, but Dream didn't notice the fact that they sounded familiar. "Come on he's gotta be here somewhere" said one of the voices with a worried tone. "Don't worry your head off, I'm sure we will find him" assured the second voice.

The talking stopped when a snap of a twig echoed throughout the maze of trees. Dream froze, looking down at his feet. He then saw where the snap of a twig came from. He had been the one to step on a twig causing it to break in two. The voices began to talk again, but this time they sounded as though they were getting closer to where Dream was standing as still as a statue.

Dream was still completely frozen. He had no idea what to do. The closer the voice got, the more Dream began to panic internally.

After a few seconds, which felt more like minutes or hours, of listening to the voices closing in, it finally dawned on Dream. He had finally noticed that the voices sound familiar to him. He felt so embarrassed and extremely stupid for not recognise the voices sooner. How did he not recognise the voices sooner? The very thought got rid of Dream's nerves and panic that was growing inside of him. This voices then stopped once more. This time, however, was because the two owners of the mysterious voices were now standing inches away from where Dream was standing. Dream still didn't dare to move a single muscle, even though he was face to face with the voices he had heard a minute or two earlier.

A/n: 467 words. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to leave any ideas you have for me to add also feel free to guess who the two voices belonged to. I'll try to post the next chapter either tomorrow or the day after.

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