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About an hour had passed and Dream was the first on two recover from fainting. Next was George and then finally Sapnap. The three of them had woken up in a dark room, which seemed empty. They were the only ones there.

Or that was what they thought?

A few more minutes passed by when a mysterious voice came out from the shadows of the room. "I see you three are finally awake and now the fun can finally begin" it said with a deep tone. The voice was gruff, however, it didn't sound like a voice that belonged to a living being. The voice reminded Dream of Ghostbur slightly. Although, the mysterious voice sounded colder than Ghostbur's tone.

When the voice was no longer able to be heard, a pallid figure stepped out from the shadows. "Who are you?" Geiger stuttered, moving closer to Dream for comfort. "It's no fun if i reveal who I am, is it now?" the figure chuckled with a mischievous smirk lying soon his face.

Seconds later, the trio heard another ghostly voice coming out of the shadows. "Glatt leave them alone. Especially the one in the green hoodie as he is my new friend" the voice said causing Glatt to freeze in place. Dream instantly recognised the voice as he had heard it a couple hours ago. "Ghostbur? Is that you?" Dream then questioned, praying that the answer was going to be a yes. However, he was met with some slightly awkward silence.

Once the silence had faded, the voice then spoke up once again. "The one and only" he smiled while floating out from the shadows. When Ghostbur did, George moved himself closer to Dream. Glatt was annoyed by Ghostbur's appearance and angrily stormed out of the room and floated away. This caused the room to go silence once more.

"Sorry about him. He hasn't ever been good at human interaction" Ghostbur whispered, hoping that it would calm George's nerves and get rid of the tension in the room. And thankfully, it did calm George's nerves but it didn't get rid of all the tension. George was still refusing to move from Dream's side. Meanwhile, Sapnap was just sat with a puzzled expression on his face while Dream was wearing one of relief.

"Let's get you three out of here, shall we?" Ghostbur smiled, lifting the tense atmosphere once more. Dream, George and Sapnap all nodded in agreement and stood up of the ground. They then proceed to follow Ghostbur out of the room. Although, George was still refusing to leave Dream's side.

Once out of the room, they all decided to head to Ghostbur's castle and wait for day to come. While walking there, Dream decided to explain how he and Ghostbur met, hoping that he would fully get rid of the tense atmosphere that was surrounding them.

A/n: 477 words. I hope you enjoyed. I'll try to post the next part as soon as I can.

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