Beach fun

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The trio had finished eating and were now discussing what they should do that day. "So any ideas on what we should do today?" Sapnap asked, more awake than he was earlier. George shrugged while Dream was thinking of all the possible activities in Florida. "We could go to the beach. I know a good one not too far from here" Dream said breaking the silence that had formed after Sapnap's question. Sapnap and George both liked the idea of heading to the beach so they both smiled and nodded in agreement to Dream's suggestion.

Everyone started to get ready for the beach even though they all agreed that they would leave at mid-day. To pass the time, they all decided to scroll through their for you pages on tiktok. They all occasionally laughed when they came across a funny tiktok and would show it to the others.

It was now mid-day and the trio all walked out of the house and locked the front door before climbing into Dream's car. Before pulling out of the drive way, Dream made sure they had everything they needed for a day at the beach, which they did. They then set off listening to the radio. Dream was driving while George had called shotgun this time and Sapnap was pretending to sulk in the back seat. Although he was annoyed about not being able to sit on the front, he knew that having Dream and George in the front together would be a good way of getting his two best friends closer then they already were. This was because along with the trio's fandom, Sapnap also shipped Dreamnotfound.

When they reached the beach, George was the first to get out of the car and ran to find the perfect spot to place all of their stuff. Dream and Sapnap just followed behind with the stuff, extremely surprised by the fact that George was filled with some much energy. However, they didn't ask any questions and smiled. Dream then thought 'cute' as they finally came to a stop at the perfect spot.

A couple minutes later, the trio all decided to go into the sea. Sapnap splashed George making it seem like it was Dream who had slashed him. "What the fuck Dream! Why me? Why not Sapnap?" George whined in annoyance but Dream was just completely confused. "What did I do, Gogy?" Dream questioned, however, the only response he received was a bunch of water splashed into his face by George. This started a small war between the two, water being splashed back and fourth. Meanwhile, Sapnap had started to head back to their stuff, grabbing his phone and taking a picture of his two friends messing about in the water.

Minutes later, George and Dream had now joined Sapnap back on the beach after calling a truce. Both of them were completely drenched from head to toe. Once they were both as dry as they were going to get, the trio decided to play a couple rounds of tag. They also decided that the first tagger would be Sapnap, but he wasn't bothered with it as he thought he would be able to tag one of them within seconds of starting the came, which he did.

After a few more rounds, they decided to play one more round with Dream as the tagger. Dre was chasing after Sapnap for a minute or two until he got away so Dream decided to start causing George instead as Sapnap was too fast for him. "OH~ GEORGE!" Dream sang like he would always do when chasing George when filming a Minecraft manhunt video for YouTube. This only cause George to run slightly faster. However, he still wasn't running fast enough to escape Dream. After running for a bit, Dream suddenly somehow managed to Rio over his own feet and ended up falling onto George. This resulted in both of them falling to the ground crying with absolute laughter. While Sapnap, who was watching them after escaping from Dream, took this as another opportunity to take another picture of the two to use as more blackmail for later in the future.

A/n: 697 words. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I decided to leave it on a cliff hanger cause why not. Also why not some more Dreamnotfound. The next part will hopefully be done today it not then it will be tomorrow. Bye!😋

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