Chapter 73: Bonteris

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"You must ask the Jedi Council to speak with Chancellor Palpatine," Padme asked, frustrated. "Don't involve me in this," I responded. The Senate had begun debating a bill that would eliminate government oversight on the Banking Clan's activities to fund the war.

Padme, Zander, and I walked the long rounded hallway where all the Senate meetings would take place. "A peaceful solution is the only way out of this morass of war." Padme began to argue again.

"That's not my role, Padme." I sighed. I wanted to help her, and I was always on board with her suggestions, but recently I have been under fire with Master Windu. I wanted to be a better Jedi, and I had to respect the rules they set in order... to an extent.

"Why not? Why isn't it your role? Aren't we Jedi Knights? Isn't it our duty to speak our minds to advise the Chancellor?" Zander asked. He walked a little quicker, moving to be right beside Padme. He was right.

I cleared my throat, thinking of a response that was acceptable enough for him to understand. "Uh, I suggest you teach my young Padawan a thing or two about politics, Padme," I commented, handing the discussion over to Padme's hand.

"After today's debate, I was hoping he learned a great deal." Padme smiled.

"Truthfully, I don't understand any of it. I know the Separatists are evil, but all anyone argued about was asking deregulation, interest rates, and, well, almost nothing about why we're fighting in the first place." Zander said, a tint of confusion and understanding laid under his tongue.

"War's complicated, Zander. But let me simplify it. The Separatists believe the Republic is corrupt, but they're wrong, and we have to restore order." I chipped in, coming to a halt. I stood in front of the two of them. I only understood politics to an extent, and this was the best answer I could give Zander at the moment without him spiraling into chaos.

"Maybe talking to the Jedi Council isn't the role for you after all. Thanks for your help." Padme crossed her arms. Not my role? "Come on, Zander." She added, shoving my shoulder as she continued to walk.

"Fine, I'll help you." I sighed. I gave in, I never liked to be underestimated, and when someone said I can't do something, I was more intrigued to do it, which was a bad habit I tend to have.

We walked towards Padme's office; the sun made her room become a dark pink; it was beautiful. "If only I could talk to Senator Bonteri." Padme sighed dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

"Who's he?" Zander asked. He sat on top of her office desk, messing around with the objects that lay on top of it. "He is a she and is a senator in the Confederacy of Independent Systems," I replied. Yup, Padme's "friend" was part of the Separatists; I watched Zanders facial expression become shocked. He immediately dropped the objects in his hands back onto the desk.

"Your friend is a Separatist? One of Dooku's pawns?" Zander asked.

I smirked, watching their little conversation unfold. "The Separatists used to be part of the Republic. I was close with many of the senators who left. I may not agree with them, but they're more than pawns." She replied. Damn, she always knew the right things to say, which only made me sigh.

"They were your friends also, especially as kids." Padme shot her words in my direction, making my hands rise up into defense mode.

"If you think negotiating is the right thing to do, let's talk to her." He suggested.

I chuckled under my breath, "The Senates made it illegal. They say official meetings would only legitimize the Separatists." I responded. Padme's eyes looked into mine evilly, annoyed I kept ruining any chance Zander would agree.

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