Chapter 11: Flustered

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I walked into Padme's room who was packing her bags for Naboo. Chancellor Palpatine worked his magic that's for sure. I was expecting her to be more excited, we would finally be going home. Though she seemed upset about the whole ordeal.

Padme walked back and forth between her closet and her luggage. Not once looking up and noticing I was in the same room as her. I chuckled, she was always a hard worker, even if she was packing.

"I thought you would be more excited about going home?" I say breaking the silence in the room. I leaned against the wall, Padme looked surprised, noticing I was in the room. She stopped walking and took a deep breath before she smiled. "I am excited, but running away only makes me seem scared," Padme said, holding a folded dress in her hand.

"This dress should be nice on you." Her brows lifted up and I noticed her eyes traveling from the top of my body to my toes.

"These robes are nice to wear." I spaced out my wording. A change of clothes was always nice. I had been stuck in these robes for days and in the nighttime, it was the only time I could reside in my nice lingerie. 

Padme smiled back she walked her way towards me and placed the dress in my hands. "I'll be okay, now, go pack. Bring something nice, you've been wearing these robes for so long. It would be nice to see you in something else." she chuckles and goes back into her closet.

Wearing something nice? I hardly had anything nice to wear. All the things that filled my closet were plain bland colors. There was not one single dress or formal attire. I groaned, what am I even supposed to pack? "Padme, I don't have anything nice. The Jedi don't wear formal wear unless there's a mission involved." I said slowly, watching her reaction.

"I'll make sure to drop off some dresses I have never worn to your room," Padme says standing in her closet looking through all the dresses she had. She must have hundreds. I nodded and headed toward my room that was across the hallway. My sister made sure to leave a room empty for me in her living quarters. She thought it would keep the bond we had close.

I grabbed my bag that was underneath my bed and placed it on top. Let's see, what does a Jedi even pack? I went into my closet and examined the 4 or 5 robes I had hung up. Well, robes it is. I grabbed the hanger and folded them neatly into my bag.  Ah yes, the bathroom needs, I headed towards the room grabbing anything I will find useful. 

But, before leaving the bathroom, a small silver box caught my attention. I placed all the items I had in my hands down and inched my way to the box. The box had flower designs on the front, and engraved on the top was the word, Amidala. I smiled and remembered I had received a jewelry box from my mother before my first day of training.

I opened the box to find necklaces and bracelets. They were all cluttered up and tangled. Great, this is going to take a while. The knots were hard, but I managed to finally get one out of the clutter. It was a gold bracelet, with the letter A indicating my last name. I placed it around my wrist admiring the beauty within it.

This was something I had to pack, I grabbed the items I placed down and packed them into my bag. I was almost done getting everything ready before we departed.

I looked up towards the hallway to see a familiar face looking out towards the window. It was Anakin, his head turned in my direction, catching me by surprise. I looked down quickly wishing he had not noticed I was staring at him.

Sooner or later, he entered the room. "I like it when you stare at me." He says, forming a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes "I was not staring." I say and throw a pillow at him which he caught. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were. Don't worry, I understand I'm quite interesting to look at." He sarcastically said while placing the pillow back in its original spot.

"Padme doesn't like that we are hiding," I say while packing some sleepwear into my bag. "Don't worry. Now that the council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter. She'll just have to be patient." Anakin says he has grown up.

"Anakin, you've grown up." I chuckled, he managed to smile but quickly faded from his face. He walked towards the large window and picked up a silver ball that was on the table. "Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it. Don't get me wrong. Obi-wan is a great mentor. As wise as Master Yoda and... as powerful as Master Windu." he used force to make the ball float. It was hovering above his hand, his movements were elegant.

"I am thankful to be his apprentice. In some ways- In a lot of ways- I'm really ahead of him. I'm ready for the trials, but he feels that I'm too unpredictable. He won't let me move on." he sighed and let the ball fall back into its place.

I understood his frustration, the council didn't seem to think I was ready for the trials. Master Windu, underestimated my skills and never truly saw me for the Jedi I was. It was frustrating: Seeing Anakin always do his best while nobody cared to notice. Instead, a bunch of young Padawans noticed the capabilities he had.

"That must be frustrating," I say stopping beside my bed and looking in his direction. He groaned and looked directly at me. His eyes pierced into mine. "It's worse. He's overly critical. He never listens. He- he doesn't understand. It's not fair!" Anakin slightly yells.

There was anger behind his words that I understood. He walked around the room with his arms behind his back. "All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow." I say making the tension in his shoulders relax.

"I know." he sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. I packed a few more shirts as well as some small items. There was silence, but I felt his eyes on me the whole time.

His head was heavily hung and defeated. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder giving him comfort. "Anakin. Don't try and grow up too fast." I say. He stood up from the bed facing towards me. "But I am grown. You said it yourself," he says lowly, a smirk forming on his face. His eyes slowly moved down my body and shot straight up to my face. I felt my heart begin to race again as the memories of the night before flooded my mind.

"Please don't look at me like that," I whispered making Anakin inch his way closer to my body. "Why not?" he whispers back, and there it was, that awful smirk that made me want to apparate on the spot because of how flustered it left me.

His deep blue eyes locked into mine, making my body feel like jello. "It makes me feel flu-... uncomfortable," I say breaking contacting and heading back into my closet. "Sorry, milady," he says, even from here I felt the smirk still plastered on his face.

Note: Chapter updated.

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