Chapter 10

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After telling Carli in what number was her room, both Cali and Tobin take Maire to where her room number is at.

"Well, here we are." said Carli, as they stopped in front of Maire's room.

"Thank you for showing me around." said Maire

"Yeah, you're welcome." said Tobin

"I can't believe, we also got lost on the way over here." said Carli

"We stopped for a snack." said Tobin, as she chuckled.

"And dodging Kelley's scaring zones." said Carli, as she also chuckles.

"Yeah, that too." said Tobin

Just then Coach Jill, Mal, and Christen, are walking towards them.

"So, are you girls finished with the tour?" said Coach Jill

"Yeah, we just finished." said Carli

"Thank you girls for helping out." said Coach Jill, as she looks at the four of them. "I would have done it myself, but I had to do a few things. Maire's room keys, from the reception table and a small interview. Here are your keys Maire."

Coach Jill then gives Maire her keys.

"Thank you." said Maire

"You can open the door, so that I can show you around the room." said Coach Jill

Maire then nods and tries to open the door, but has trouble opening it.

"You have to slide it." said Coach Jill, as she tells Maire.

Maire then slides the card and the door finally opens.

"Thank you, I'm used to the other keys." said Maire, as she looked at Coach Jill.

"First try doing that." said Tobin

"Yeah, my parents are the ones who open the door." said Maire, as she looks at them. "Whenever we would stay at a hotel or a motel, when we are traveling. So, yeah."

After opening the door, Maire then enters the room along with Coach Jill, Tobin, Mal, Christen, and Carli, (Maire's stuff was already inside of the room, waiting for her). When Coach Jill and the girls finished showing Maire around the room, Coach Jill then looked at Maire.

"Maire, what is your shirt size, short size, and shoe size." said Coach Jill, as she took out a small notebook. "I need your shirt size, short size, and shoe size, for your practice uniform and jerseys."

"Um, I'm a small for shirt size and shorts, but for shoe size I'm a six." said Maire

"I thought you were a five, get it." said Tobin, as she chuckles.

"I got it." said Carli, as she also chuckles.

"I don't get it." said Christen, as she looks confused.

"Me neither." said Mal, as she also looks confused as well.

"Um, no not really. I'm not a number five for shoe size." said Maire

"What does Tobin mean by five?" said Christen, as she looks at Maire.

"According to Maire, her nickname is Five." said Carli, as she chuckles.

"Yeah." said Maire

"Well, Five or Maire, welcome to the team." said Coach Jill, as she looks at Maire. "Since it's your first day, I would like for you to join us in the eating lounge with us."

"Well, what do you say?" said Mal

"I would love to, and accept your invitation." said Maire, as she looked at them. "However, I have to call my mother, to tell her that I arrived safely."

"Oh sure, no problem. Also in that folder are the team's schedule, for our games, meetings, and practices." said Coach Jill, as she and the other girls walk out of the room.

"Yeah, and also thank you for your greetings." said Maire, as she watches the girls stepping out of her room.

"You're welcome." said Coach Jill, and the other girls.

After Carli, Christen, Mal, and Tobin along with Coach Jill had left, Maire then calls her mother.  

"Hello?" said Aurora

"Hi mom." said Maire

"Maire!" said Aurora, cheerfully through the phone. "How are you! How was your trip?"

"I'm fine, and good." said Maire

"That's good." said Aurora

"How's my father and Gael?" said Maire

"They're both doing good." said Aurora

"That's good." said Maire

"Yeah, so what's new?" said Aurora

"Oh, just here my room, that I'll be staying at." said Maire

"Oh that's nice." said Aurora 

"Yeah, players and the coach are very welcoming." said Maire, as she tells her mother. "And a few minutes ago, the coach of the team invited me to eat with them in the eating lounge."

"Really, that's good." said Aurora

"Yeah." said Maire

"That's my girl, I am still really happy with you that you made the right decision to join." said Aurora, as she continued. "However, I will also like to stay and chat some more. But, one of your aunts is calling me right now, and since you are in your room that you will be staying in, I'll just leave you so that you can take a break."

"Uh, okay. I'll call you later then." said Maire

"Okay, love you bye." said Aurora

"Okay, love you." said Maire, as her mother hangs up the phone. "Bye..."

Maire then sighs.


There was a knock on the door...

Maire then goes and opens the door. And sees that Mal and Tobin are standing in the hallway.

"Hi again." said Mal, as she looks at Maire.

"Uh, hi." said Maire

"Me, and Mal decided to show you where the eating lounge is, since we forgot to show you where it was," said Tobin, as she looked at Maire.

"We thought that Carli and Tobin showed you the eating lounge." said Mal, as she chuckles.

"And we thought that Christen and Mal had already shown you the eating lounge," said Tobin, as she also chuckled.

"However, after seeing that nobody did. Both Tobin and I decided to take you there." said Mal

"Since we forgot." said Tobin, as she looked at Mal and then back at Maire. "Our bad."

"It's okay, I was just about to asked you girls the same thing, but I also forgot too." said Maire

"So, do you want to come with us." said Mal

"Yes please." said Maire, as she looks at both Mal and Tobin. "Just let me get my backpack and my keys."

Maire then goes back to her room, gets her backpack and puts it on, and also takes her room key, closes the door, and leaves with both Mal and Tobin. While walking in the hallway, Mal then looks at Maire.

"You know, you don't have to bring your backpack with you." said Mal, to Maire as Tobin looked at them.

"I know but, I kind of have to." said Maire, as she looks at Mal.

"Why?" said Tobin, as she looked at Maire.

"I have an allergy pen there." said Maire, as she looked at both Tobin and Mal. "And since I don't like carrying a purse, I decided to keep my allergy pen in here."

"Oh okay." said Mal

"Yeah." said Maire, as she, Mal, and Tobin continue to walk into the hallway.

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