Chapter 10

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"Your life,"

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"Your life,"


The next thing I knew, one of his men came into his office and threw me over his shoulder.

• • •

"Could've picked out a better color," I commented on the pale-looking walls. Who even picked out the paint?

"Fuck, will you please shut up?" the cute blonde asked. I smirked "Nope," popping the 'p'

I can't believe Adrian made him drag me all the way here, it wasn't very enjoyable. I was blindfolded throughout the whole ride, it wasn't fun at all.

A horror movie played in my head. I sat in a dark, scary room with a terrible paint job, only a table in front of me, and a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, too close to my head. Like an interrogation room?

"Untie me," I demanded. "No," he simply replied, rolling his eyes.

Fine. I decided to annoy him.

"You're quite the kinky one. First the blindfold, now ropes? To be honest, I didn't see you as the freaky type," I pretend to gasp.

No, he definitely looked like he'd be into some freaky shit.

His jaw tightened. Standing up from his chair in front of me, he left the room. Damn, alright then.

My stomach grumbled. I'm so hungry. I can't believe this is happening to me. I knew that the minute I stepped into the club, something terrible would happen. I cant' help but worry about my dad. I'll be able to get out of here right? Right? Fuck I'll be stuck here forever.

I looked around the room, hoping to find something that would help me escape. My arms and legs were tethered to the chair. I tried desperately to loosen the grip but failed miserably.

• • •

I sat in the room for 15 more minutes, or about an hour, I don't know, who's even counting? My stomach continued to grumble, I was starving. Eventually, the door opened revealing Adrian in all his handsome glory.

Wait this bastard kidnapped me, I shook my head. Bad Valentina.

He stood by the door and stared at me.

"What do you want from me?" I wasted no time in asking.

I wanted answers. Instead of answering me, he smirked. There was so much wrong with this motherfucker. Shutting the door behind him, he took slow steps approaching me. I looked up at him, he was so damn tall. He stopped right in front of me and bent down to my level.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them, do you understand?" his voice held so much power. But I wasn't going to give in.

"How about you answer mine!" I spat out.

His eyes went dark. He grabbed a chair, placing it in front of me before sitting down. "Valentina...tell me you understand"

"Tell me why I'm here!!" I screamed. I was so tired and hungry. I just wanted to go home.

His hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged it back. "You're going to fucking answer me, understood?" he asked again.

I felt discomfort in the roots of my hair, I didn't want to listen to him, but it's my only option. He could kill me if he wanted to.

"Y-yes," I say, still in pain. The ropes started to tighten around my arms, sure to leave marks. He let go of my hair and sat back down.

"Good," he smirked. "Now tell me Valentina, who are your parents?" he asked.

I looked straight at him, why did he want to know about my parents? Oh no, was he going to make them pay for my mistakes? Then again, I didn't do anything!

"Wh-" I cut myself off, I had to refrain from asking further questions. "Maria Russo and Ben Thompson," I answered. I wondered if he found it weird that I took my mother's last name instead of my father's. I didn't want to discuss that matter.

He looked pleased and continued.

"Tell me why you chose to work at my club?"

"I had to find a job, my previous one didn't pay me enough," I answered truthfully. Was I going to tell him about my father being hospitalized? No.

He chuckled, "Right, now why did Giavanni send you?"

Giavanni? Who was this guy? Whoever he is, he has to be Italian. "I don't know who you're talking about," I really had no clue who he was speaking of.

"Wrong answer Valentina, I'm going to ask you again and you'll give me the truth, yes?" he seethed.

I was starting to get really worried. Who really was this Giavanni guy? I shook my head, "I'm sorry but I really don't know who this guy is,"

He stayed silent for a few seconds before pulling out a pocket knife. My stomach dropped. Was he going to stab me?

"Third time Valentina. Answer me, what is Giavanni planning? Wouldn't want to lose a finger now," he came closer.

"Please, I really don't know what you're talking about, ask me anything else," I pleaded.

The knife was pressed against my middle finger, making it impossible to remove my hand. I was bound up. He sighed.

"You're going to regret not telling me suka," he put the pocket knife back in his pocket and stood up.

The blonde guy then came back into the room, "Jackson, bring her to a cell," Adrian ordered. So that's his name.

Wait a cell?

"Fuck you!!" I shouted without thinking, hoping Adrian didn't hear and he didn't. Adrian turned back and left the room. Seconds later, Jackson came and knelt in front of me.

"You're testing his patience, I wouldn't recommend that," he spoke, clearly irritated.

"You're all sick," I spat out. He looked at me before carrying me bridal style.

Jackson carried me underground all the way into a smaller room secured by a steel door as I notice my surroundings.

There's no way they were going to lock me up in this room. "Please, I just want to go back home,"

"Shut up, you'll be staying here for some time, you have no choice" he laid me down on a thin and dirty mattress.

I grabbed a hold of his arm before he turned around to leave. "Please, just let me go," I plead.

He stared at me and yanked his arm, instantly leaving. Tears quickly rolled down my face as the door shut, and I saw red marks on my arms.

It stunk horribly. The walls were all filthy and were splattered with red stains. I knew without a doubt that the stains were blood. Shivers ran down my spine at the thought of all those people who lost their lives here.

I sighed, I was still extremely hungry. My dad came to mind once again, will he be alright?

I shook my head and leaned against the wall. I grabbed my legs and dropped my head to my knees, silently sobbing.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now