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Anfisa and I have started to grow a bond

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Anfisa and I have started to grow a bond. It feels nice to have her around, someone to share moments with, specially since I didn't have any friends.

We're sprawled on the couch, binge-watching the latest season of The Bachelor. Anfisa's eyes are glued to the screen, and I can't help but laugh when she shouts, "Is he fucking serious right now?" Her passion for this ridiculous show is endearing.

Anfisa is only two years older than me. We've both been through our own versions of hell, and somehow, that shared pain has knitted us together. Trauma bonds, I suppose.

She frowns, slumping back against the sofa. "Remind me why I love this show again?"

"You love seeing people in love," I reply.

She sits up, hugging a pillow to her chest. "I do. I just love love."

"Do you think Denis and Adrian are having fun babysitting Luka right now?" she wonders aloud.

I chuckle. "Definitely. Luka is an angel." But we both know the truth. Luka has thrown four tantrums in the past few hours, so Denis and Adrian decided to take him out, leaving us some much-needed peace.

"Wanna order Italian?" she asks.

I scrunch my nose in disgust. "No, I ordered it last week and vomited it right out. It's weird. I usually love Italian."

Anfisa pauses, thinking. "What about Japanese?"

I consider it but then shake my head. "Why does the thought of that make me nauseous?"

Her eyes widen. "Valentina," she says, her voice suddenly serious.

"Yeah?" I look at her, puzzled.

"Did you get your period this month?" she asks, her tone urgent.

My eyes widen in realization. Holy shit. It's almost been two months, and I haven't gotten my period.

It's not unusual for me to miss it due to stress, but ever since I've been with Adrian and eating well, it's been regular.

Anfisa sees the realization dawn on my face and abruptly stands up. "Put on your shoes."

"Why?" I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"We're going to get you a pregnancy test," she says, a little too excited.

"I don't think I'm pregnant. It's not like I've been throwing up every morning or feeling any other symptoms," I protest.

"Pregnancy is different for everyone. Not everyone has obvious symptoms. Come on!" she urges me.

I release a sigh and stand up. I doubt I'm pregnant, but there's a tiny flicker of hope, or fear burning in my chest.


Oh my fucking God. It's positive.

I stare at the test in my trembling hands, perched on the edge of my bed. The two lines blur through my tears. This can't be real.

"Babe, don't stress about it. I know this is scary, but you'll be okay. I promise," Anfisa says, patting my back as she sits next to me.

"I don't know how to feel," I admit, my voice shaky.

"I'm here for you if you need anything," she assures me. This was never part of the plan. Adrian and I had a six-week vacation across Europe lined up. A baby wasn't supposed to fit into our immediate future, it's just so sudden.

"I'm not upset, just... shocked," I confess.

She nods, understanding etched into her features. "The guys will be here any minute. I'll tell Denis we have to head home so you can have some alone time with Adrian, alright?"

"Thank you," I whisper as she pulls me into a comforting hug. I clutch the test like a lifeline, my mind racing with thoughts of what Adrian will think, how he'll react. We've talked about this, but it's different now that it's real.

Anfisa leaves the room, giving me a moment to collect my thoughts and calm my erratic breathing. Why am I so nervous? I'm happy, though. This unexpected twist tugs at my heartstrings. I can be the mother I never had growing up.

Footsteps echo down the hallway. "Hey dorogoy, I got you your favorite pastries," Adrian calls out as he enters the room, turning to shut the door behind him. "Anfisa and Denis had to leave. Something about an emergency."

He hasn't noticed the test yet. As he approaches the bed, his eyes fall on the object in my hands. "What's this?" he asks, confusion and concern lacing his voice. "Why are you crying?"

He kneels in front of me, worry etched into his handsome face. I give him a tearful smile. "Surprise," I whisper, handing him the test. He takes it, staring at the positive result, his expression shifting from confusion to shock.

"Fuck, Valentina, you're pregnant?" he breathes, and I nod. He tosses the test onto the bed and pulls me into a fierce hug, peppering kisses all over my face. Then he lifts me into his arms, holding me tight.

"You're carrying my baby," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. His eyes glisten, mirroring my own.

"I am," I confirm, my heart swelling.

"I love you so fucking much," he says, pressing his lips to mine. Our kiss is deep, passionate, our tongues dancing together.

I pull back slightly, searching his eyes. "Are you okay with it?" I ask, a hint of worry in my voice.

"Are you kidding? This is the greatest gift you could give me. Of course, I'm okay with it. I'm over the moon, dorogoy," he says, resting his forehead against mine.

Relief washes over me. "I am too. A little scared, but I believe in us," I chuckle.

"Don't be scared. I'm here with you, every step of the way. I can't wait to see the bump on your belly," he tells me, and despite the whirlwind of emotions, I feel a profound sense of rightness.

"I couldn't have asked for anything better than a family with you," I tell him, my voice full of conviction.

"Me too, dorogoy. I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too," I reply, knowing that this is the start of our forever.


Hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this book, I just want to thank you all for the amazing support and love! I appreciate you all so much and I'm so grateful for this opportunity. I hope to write better books for you guys in the future! LOVE YOU GUYSS SMM <3333

Also check out the bonus chapters for this book! There will be 10 bonus chapters and overtime I'll write more ( for fun and enjoyment ). I want you guys to see more into Adrian and Valentina's future, and by doing so you'll be supporting me a lot, I promise it's good and you'll enjoy it!!

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