Chapter 36

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"You look like you've woken up to an allergic reaction, what the fuck happened to your face?" Ivan barges into my office, his voice laced with amusement

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"You look like you've woken up to an allergic reaction, what the fuck happened to your face?" Ivan barges into my office, his voice laced with amusement.

I push myself away from the desk, leaning against the back of my chair with a disdainful scoff. "That's because I did," I mumble, my tone dripping with dread.

His eyes widen, a mischievous glint dancing within them as he erupts into laughter. "You look awful," he taunts, relishing in my discomfort.

"Shut up," I snap, my patience wearing thin.

Curiosity creeps into his expression as he takes a seat before my desk, crossing one leg over the other. "How did this happen?" he probes, his gaze fixed upon my reddened and irritated visage. I had sought medical attention just in case, fearing a severe reaction. Fortunately, it turned out to be minor, with the redness expected to fade by the end of the day. Hopefully.

"I ate eggs," I mutter, my voice tinged with annoyance. Ivan's laughter subsides, and he winces, understanding the gravity of my words. "Valentina made them," I add.

"You did that to yourself," he remarks, meeting my gaze with a mixture of curiosity and concern. I stare back at him, my eyes conveying a warning.

"I know," I sigh, rising from the plush embrace of my leather chair. Ivan shrugs nonchalantly, settling deeper into his seat.

"Whatever you say," he concedes, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.

"I need to leave," I announce, my steps guiding me toward the door. Ivan raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "And where might you be off to?"

"None of your damn business," I retort sharply, my irritation palpable. A smirk plays on Ivan's lips as he taunts me further.

"Is Valentina in her room?" he asks, his words laced with a knowing undertone. I pause in my tracks, my gaze narrowing as I regard him suspiciously. "Why are you asking?" My jaw clenches, and Ivan's smirk deepens.

"Just curious. Thought she might need some company," he suggests innocently, but I see through his facade. "Again," he adds with a smugness that tests the limits of my patience.

"Stay the hell away from her," I command, my voice firm and resolute. Without wasting another moment, I stride out of the room, Ivan's chuckles trailing behind me.

"You can't deny that she enjoys my company!" his voice echoes after me. If he even thinks about pulling anything stupid, my fist will be meeting his face.


I glance down at my watch, wrestling with the urge to back out. I had planned a romantic dinner on the beach, where Valentina and I could watch the sunset together. Why does it feel so daunting to ask her to join me simply? She doesn't have a choice, but I know she'd appreciate being asked.

As I go through the hallways, I stop in front of the study room. Through the slightly ajar door, I see Valentina. She's sprawled on the couch, engrossed in a book, her brows furrowed in concentration. Her legs dangle over the armrest opposite of her, and I can't help but find it adorable. Adorable? I need to excise that word from my vocabulary.

Steeling myself, I step into the study and position myself before her. She hasn't noticed me yet, so I clear my throat to announce my presence. Valentina startles slightly, glancing up at me with an expression that suggests I'm intruding.

"Yes?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

My heart pounds with each passing second. "What are you reading?" I ask, trying to mask my nervousness. When have I ever gotten nervous over a girl?

She looks at me, puzzled. "Just a book about breaking bad habits. You should read it," she replies with a playful glint in her eye. "What bad habits do I have?" I ask, a frown playing at my lips.

She sits up, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I don't know. Kidnapping and killing people?" she responds with a nonchalant shrug, smiling innocently as she closes the book.

I ignore her pointed remark, my gaze drifting to the floral pink dress she's wearing. She looks breathtaking, like a vision that momentarily resurrects me from my turmoil. "Adrian," she repeats my name, snapping me back to reality. "I need to take you somewhere," I say.

"Alright," she says, hopping off the couch and placing the book on the table. "Aren't you going to ask where?"

She studies me for a moment before shaking her head. "I miss going outside, Adrian," she confides softly, her words tugging at my heartstrings. I make a mental note to ensure she gets out more often with me.

"Let's go, we need to get there before the sun sets," I inform her, taking her hand and leading her outside to my car. She seems surprised by the gesture but follows willingly. I open the door to my black Ferrari, and she slips inside. I walk around and settle into the driver's seat and settle in as well. "I hope you like the beach," I say, glancing at her.

Her eyes widen with excitement. "We're going to the beach?" she asks, a smile lighting up her face. That smile alone makes me want to plan more dates with her. "Yes," I confirm.

"I've never been to the beach," she admits softly as I start the engine and drive away from the manor. "Never?" I ask, genuinely surprised.

She shakes her head, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. "I never really had the time to explore, and it was always quite far away," she explains. Her beautiful locks of hair frame her face perfectly, and I find myself unable to look away. Valentina barely had time for herself and now that I'm here to take care of her, I'd happily show her the world.

"You'll love it," I assure her, my voice filled with conviction. The car ride falls silent as we drive out of the city lights and into a more secluded area. I cancelled all my meetings and plans today for Valentina, I feel like being around her brings me a sense of peace that I've never found in anyone else before.


I had this chapter in my drafts and decided to post it....after a year...pls don't hate me. 😭 Will be posting more!! Tysm for the support and love <3

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