Chapter 40

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I wish I could stay at the beach house with Valentina forever

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I wish I could stay at the beach house with Valentina forever. But reality crashes in. I have work to tend to, and in my line of business, taking a break is something out of the question.

I glance at Valentina beside me in the car, her expression mirroring my reluctance as we head back to my estate.

Ivan's call was urgent. We're expecting an important guest today, a meeting to determine if he's suitable to be our main armory supplier. The Italians are plotting, I know it. They've been too quiet, biding their time for something big. I have to stay vigilant, not lost in daydreams.

Valentina is lost in her thoughts, her silence a heavy weight. I already miss her touch, so I place a hand on her thigh, the other gripping the steering wheel. "You alright?" I ask, my voice a low murmur.

She turns to me, nodding. "Yeah, I just thought we'd stay at the beach longer, but I understand you have work." Her disappointment is palpable, slicing through me.

I never want her to feel this way."I'll take you out on more dates, plan more vacations. Don't be sad, dorogoy," I assure her, squeezing her thigh gently.

"Oh, I didn't mean to sound like that. I know your work is important, don't worry about me," she says, trying to mask her feelings."Nonsense. If my girl wants to go places, I'll make it happen. You need to understand, my priorities have changed," I say firmly.

She tilts her head, curiosity sparking in her eyes. "And what might they be?"

"You. You're my priority. If you need me, say the word and I'll drop everything for you. It's that simple, Valentina." I need her to know how much she means to me.

"Whether I'm in a meeting, handling a job, or doing nothing, tell me you need me and I'll be there."A smile tugs at her lips. "You'd really do that for me?" Her face lights up, a beacon in the twilight of my world.

"Fuck, Valentina. I'm a man who gets what he wants, and I want you. There's nothing else I want more. You're more important than any work I'll ever have to do," I explain, laying my soul bare

.Her soft voice soothes my restless mind. "I really appreciate it, Adrian.""I was thinking, maybe tomorrow we could look at some houses," I suggest, hopeful.

Her brows knit in confusion. "Why?""I don't want you staying at my manor. It's too dangerous. I'd like you to choose a place you like for both of us," I say, watching her reaction closely.

"You're going to buy me us house?" Her eyes widen, surprise coloring her features.

I focus on the road, the city lights blurring past us. "Yes, and we're both going to live in it. You're not getting rid of me, dorogoy."She pauses, contemplating. "Do you think we're moving too fast?" she blurts out.

"I don't think there's a right or wrong time for us to get a place we can call home," I say, my heart in my throat."I think we are," she replies, and my heart stutters.

"But it feels right, and that's all that matters," she mumbles, placing a hand on mine. Relief floods me."It does," I agree, my voice steady.

For the first time in my life, happiness feels within reach. I never thought I was capable of it, but Valentina makes it possible. She is my source of joy.We drive through the gates of the manor, and I park by the front entrance. I step out of the car and walk over to Valentina's door, offering her my hand."Thank you," she murmurs as she gets out.

I need to finish this meeting quickly so I can return to her side."Look who finally decided to come," Ivan snickers as he descends the stairs. I turn, shutting the car door with a snap. "What are you still doing here?" I ask.

"Someone had to take over while you had your little getaway with Valentina," he teases.

"Anything on Richard?"

"Nah, he sent a location for the meeting and that was it. I'm starting to think he's doubting us and will eventually decide against arming us with his weapons," Ivan says.

Richard Jacobs is the leading manufacturer of weaponry and armed goods in the country. Securing a deal with him would give us an edge against the Italians.

"He won't. He needs us as much as we need him. This deal goes both ways," I tell Ivan.

He shrugs, then shifts his gaze to Valentina. "So, how was it? I hope Adrian didn't give you a hard time. Or maybe it's the other way around?" he asks, grinning.

Valentina chuckles. "I had a great time, actually," she says, and Ivan looks at me, a smirk playing on his lips."I bet you did," he grins.

I shake my head, grabbing Valentina's hand. "We're going inside. She's probably tired," I say, leading her past him.

"I knew you'd come to your senses!" he shouts after us.


I'm seated in one of Richard's clubs with Ivan, my senses on high alert. Richard isn't what I had expected. I've seen pictures of him, of course, but in person, he's like a 20-year-old trapped in a 70-year-old's body.

His eyes are sharp, calculating, and there's an unsettling vitality to him. I watch him from across the low table, where he lounges on a velvet couch, strippers draped over him like ornaments. Their hands roam freely over his chest and thighs as he takes a long drag from his cigarette.

His voice is gravelly. "As I was saying, I want you to tell those police officers on your payroll to let me go and drop the lawsuit," he demands, exhaling a plume of smoke that snakes through the dim light. "This lawsuit is big and could harm my business, potentially put me behind bars." His eyes eyes narrow.

I don't know why this man chose to have this meeting in such a debauched setting. "What makes you think I have police officers on my payroll?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.

Richard grunts, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're Adrian Ivanov. I'm not stupid," he retorts. "I know you also have the best lawyers in the country working for you. Have them fight the lawsuit and win for me, and I'll provide you with 30 percent of all manufactured weapons we produce every year, for as long as the contract lasts," he states with a confidence that borders on arrogance.

"40 percent was the deal," Ivan coughs out beside me, his voice steady and unyielding.

"Free me from the lawsuit, and it's yours," Richard complies, his eyes gleaming with interest.

I glance at Ivan, and he gives me a subtle nod. I trust Ivan's instincts implicitly. If he believes we should proceed, then I'm inclined to agree. "Done," I say, sealing the deal.

"I'll send you the contract tomorrow." I tell him.

Richard's face splits into a sinister grin. "I knew coming to you was a good idea. Shall we celebrate?" he smirks and snaps his fingers.

Three girls appear before me, while another set moves toward Ivan, their hands already caressing his chest and arms."I bet you don't have girls at your club like mine. They're quite the lookers, huh?" the old man chuckles, eyes twinkling with amusement.

One of the girls lifts her leg to sit on me, but I shove her off and stand abruptly. I have no interest in partaking in his sordid celebration. The only girl I want is Valentina.

"It was nice doing business with you, Richard," I say, my voice cold and dismissive as I turn to the exit, sensing Ivan close behind me.

As soon as we step outside, Ivan lets out a low whistle. "That was something," he mutters, lighting a cigarette.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now