Chapter 16

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It's been thirty minutes and we still haven't arrived

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It's been thirty minutes and we still haven't arrived. I turn my head to the side and see Adrian on his phone. His hair was messy and all over the place but it just makes him look ten times better. I wanted to run my hand through that tangled mess.

He's been on that phone throughout the entire ride, and I am growing increasingly aggravated.

I wanted to ask him so many things. Would things have gone better tonight if I had been able to speak with my mother peacefully?

Nevertheless, I deserve to know what Adrian is really hiding from me. I wanted to know everything.

Looking out the tinted windows, I leaned back against the car seat and sighed. They're so dark I can barely make out what I'm seeing.

Maybe I should jump out.

"What are the chances I will land the fall?" I stared at the window.

Adrian chuckled. "Wanna find out?"

I shrug my shoulders, still looking outside.

So if it means I'll get away from Adrian, that's fine with me, though I'm not sure how I feel about broken ribs.

The thought of my father always came to mind, who will pay his bills when I'm not there?

"When will I be able to leave?"

Adrian raised his brow and chose to remain silent.

Now, this is what angers me so much. He goes ahead, locks me in a damn cell, takes me out to this stupid event, runs into my mother who I haven't seen in years, chooses not to answer any of my questions, and simply doesn't answer any of my questions just because he feels like it!

"Adrian, I have a life to fucking live, I need to leave," I spoke up. I wasn't having any of this. I need to be set free from this literal psycho.

"That's not your choice to make," he simply said, his eyes were trained on his phone, vigorously typing.

"At least let me see my dad," I muttered not sure what else to say and once again he didn't say anything.

I had to give him a good reason to let me go however, I was unwilling to share my father's condition. He could use him as leverage. For what? I don't know. What could Adrian possibly want me for?

He owns a gang, he could easily get answers and find out about people right? I just hope he leaves my father alone.

Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes. Perhaps I should try to get some sleep, I don't know where we're going, but I have a feeling it'll be a long car ride, and there's no use in asking Adrian.

• • •

"Get up." I heard a voice say. My eyes snapped open as I adjusted to the light. Leaning forward, I see Adrian next to me, stepping out of the car.

Where the fuck am I?

As I opened the door and stepped outside, my eyes widen. I stood in front of a beautiful and lavish mansion. My jaw dropped in amazement at its sight.


There are two grand stairways on either side and an additional fountain in the middle. The mansion sat on top of a hill with a big swimming pool. The estate was huge, I've never seen a mansion this big before. Adrian's footsteps carried on past me while I admired the mansion's beautiful exterior.

Then I rushed after him, following him until we were at the main entrance. The tall trees that surrounded the mansion blocked my best view over it.

Adrian didn't even glance back to see if I was following him. We stopped in front of a large door where two men stood scared shitless at the sight of Adrian.

"Good evening boss," one of them greeted Adrian.

Adrian, being the douchebag he is, decided not to say anything and simply walked past them, entering the mansion.

As I walked in I gave the two men a small smile. In addition, the interior is just as beautiful as the exterior. It was stunning, I gazed up around and saw a stunning chandelier as soon as I entered the foyer.

"Brian will show you to your room," Adrian said coldly before going up the stairs leaving me behind.

Well then.

"Let's go, this way," a guy appeared and led me up the stairs.

I noticed every one of Adrian's men wore black shirts, can't forget about the guns they think they're so good at hiding. You can easily see them sticking out from their pants.

Following the guy, I let out a huff.

You would think that all the sleep I've gotten would have given me energy, yet I'm still exhausted and all I want to do is sleep.

After walking through the halls, we came to a stop in front of a door. "This is your room, you aren't allowed to leave the room unless you want to go to the kitchen, Adrian's orders,"

A nod came from me and I opened the door as he left my side. I was not surprised to find the room to be beautifully decorated. I liked that the room was decently sized with a closet and bathroom. Stepping inside, I shut the door behind me and plopped down on the bed.

I groaned, the bed was so comfortable.

A long mirror was placed in front of the bed and a single couch next to it. I got up from the bed and walked to the closet and discovered it filled with shirts and nightwear.

I took a nice long bath and decided to wear a blue silk set. Whose clothes were these? I don't even know. It seems that the closet was filled with clothes that were in my size.

I was just about to get back into bed when I heard knocking, and I immediately opened the door. A middle aged woman smiled up at me "Hi I'm Cassandra, Adrian wants you downstairs for dinner," she greeted.

I returned the smile. "Oh hello, I'm Valentina. I'm not really hungry, just tell him I fell asleep,"

I didn't really want to see Adrian. Especially after what he put me through tonight.

"I think you should follow his orders, or he will come and drag you himself," she said, shaking her head.

Can't I just fucking sleep?

I nodded my head and followed Cassandra out. It took some time for us to finally enter the kitchen, this place is no joke. I instantly saw Adrian on his phone as he ate.

"She's here," Cassandra spoke before leaving me with Adrian. Looking up from his phone, Adrian glanced at me.

He eyed me from head to toe and my whole body tensed.

I approached him, taking a seat across from him at the table.

I couldn't help but think how good he looked in a hoodie. I've always seen him in a suit or formal attire. It was clearly evident that he just took a shower by the state of his wet hair. I felt my knees give out as strands of hair fell over his eyes.

Oh god.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now