Chapter 1- Landed

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Ellie put her earphones in both her ears and scrolled through her endless collection of downloaded music on her phone. Her finger stopped at a collection of Maroon 5 songs which she put on shuffle and turned the volume as high as it would go before locking her mobile and putting it in her pocket. The loud beats in her ears drowned out the deafening noises of the engines as the plane began the descent from thousands of feet in the air. Ellie's heart began to slow as she focused on each individual lyric of the song, feeling the music in her bones.

It wasn't too long before the juddering plane landed back on solid ground and they were ushered off of it. They had to wait a little to get through security to allow them back into the country, and as soon as she got signal Ellie texted both Karl and George as promised. 

Karl💜and George🙃

Ellie💖: Thank god, I'm back on the ground!

George🙃: Glad you're safe, miss you both already- Clay's driving me mad🙄

Karl💜: Lol😂 See you soon!

Ellie locked her phone just as she got to the front and put her belongings in the tray ready to go through the scanner. She passed through it with ease, picking her backpack up then collecting her suitcase from the bigger carousel of bags that had just come off the plane. She pulled the rose-gold case by her side, weaving through the gaggles of people milling about in the airport. She reached the area past the large security section to where the escorts stood with their signs bearing the names of the people they were picking up. 

Just as she was about to walk past to find the exit she saw him standing there. Tall, fluffy brown hair, grey hoodie, blue jeans, black nails and a stupid cheesy grin on his face; holding a piece of paper with the name Ellie Davidson written on in big letters. He looked very out of place stood next to the even taller people in suits and earpieces who were obviously highly paid, private workers who were there to escort much more famous people around. A wave of happiness washed over her just seeing him and his beautiful face, knowing he had gone out of his way to meet her there. She jogged over to him and threw her arms around his neck, immediately engulfed by his warmth as he wrapped her in a hug.

"I've missed you." Ellie's words were muffled as her face was buried in his jumper, listening to the faint pulsing of his heartbeat despite all of the noise around them.

"I missed you too." Karl smiled as he planted a kiss on her head. Her hair smelled like strawberries. Nice. They both pulled away from the hug and began walking towards the exit hand in hand- Ellie talking about how horrible the flight was. They hopped in to Karl's shiny black car after putting her luggage in the boot. The world seemed to come back into focus as they were isolated in the car together away from the hundreds of people flowing through the airport; and Ellie noticed a look of anxiety covering Karl's face, as if there was something he was dying to say.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked resting her hand on his bare arm, he'd taken his hoodie off as it had got warm so was left in just a black dream t-shirt. He bit his lip as if trying to find the right words before turning to look at Ellie with his smoky grey eyes.

"Well I, I know it may seem a bit forward but." Karl took a long breath as he pieced together what he wanted to say, "I've been thinking a lot about that key I gave you, and I don't want to push you into anything but if you were ever thinking about maybe moving in with me. I mean Bailey and Ethan are cool with it but if you're not ready yet it's totally fine I-" His rambling was cut off by Ellie's soft lips being pressed against his. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed the momentary kiss. She pulled back first, still leaning over the cup holders and gazing into Karl's soul.

"Where have you been all my life?" She sighed as a blush began to form on Karl's face, he looked down to try an hide it and giggled. Ellie used her hand to tilt his face up so their eyes locked again. "I would love to move in with you, if that's ok." They both just sat there smiling like idiots at each other but they didn't care, they had literally everything they could have wished for. He pulled his phone out his pocket and took a selfie of them, him with a wide grin and Ellie resting her tired head on his shoulder. They both smiled at the happiness that radiated from the photo.

"Can I post it?" He turned his head to look at her, she sat contemplated it for a minute, thinking about the kind of responses that it might get. Eh, how bad could it be?

"Yeah sure." He clicked on his Instagram and uploaded the photo, with the caption 'just picked bae up from the airport :)' which made them both laugh. He clicked post and the likes and comments quickly came flooding in but he put his phone on silent whilst he drove them home. 

The ride home was slower than expected as they got caught up in all of the traffic and Ellie could feel her eyes gradually getting heavier. Next thing she knew Karl was gently shaking her awake and they were pulled up in his drive in front of his house. 

"Did I fall asleep? You should have woken me up earlier!" Ellie groaned as she sat upright in her seat, pushing her hair away from her face.

"I mean the company wasn't exactly riveting but you must be tired with the jet lag." His words became faint as he leapt out of his seat and walked round the front of the car, opened the passenger side door and helped a still sleepy Ellie up onto her feet. As he did so he quickly pulled her into a hug, once again trapping her in his natural warmth.

"You're rather clingy you know that?" Ellie giggled as she wrapped her arms around him and melted into his touch.

"I made a promise I'm never ever letting you go," Karl mumbled as he rested his chin on the top of her head, "And I'm never gonna break that promise." With one last squeeze they continued to get the suitcase out the trunk and headed inside for some much needed beauty rest. 


I'm back!!!!! I just want to say to everyone that read, supported, voted and commented on my last story I appreciate you more than you know and seeing all of the love that it received literally means the world to me! If you want more updates on how the story is going feel free to follow me on Tiktok-, I'm trying to be more active on there and let you know when new chapters will be coming out. I hope you enjoy this story as much as the last one and I will see you again in the next chapter :)

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