Chapter 2- Settling in

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Ellie rolled over in bed and took a deep breath- taking in the beautiful smell of the fresh linen. She opened her rested eyes and slowly sat up, rubbing the tiredness off her face and making an attempt to drag herself out of the ridiculously comfy bed. Sitting upright on the mattress with her feet dangling over the edge she picked up her phone from the bedside table to read the time. 8:48. She must have been tired if she'd slept since 7 yesterday.

After managing to haul herself out of bed she shuffled over to her suitcase to pick out some of the clean clothes in there, grabbing a pair of splatter-print leggings and a loose yellow t-shirt. Making herself look half presentable she shifted her hair into a low ponytail with the white scrunchie on her wrist and headed downstairs in desperate need of some coffee. She came down to see Bailey sitting at the kitchen island on his laptop and Karl perched on the counter next to the sink, his eyes lighting up when he saw her presence.

"Good morning! I'm so glad you're back, me and Ethan were getting withdrawal symptoms from your cooking." Bailey laughed as he shut his laptop and took his glasses off to rub his eyes- he looked in desperate need of some beauty rest too.

"Aw, glad to know I was missed, if I was up earlier I would have made you breakfast but a 9 hour flight with a 6 hour time difference really messes with your body clock." Ellie said as she poured herself a cup of coffee, "How bout I nip to the store and get some stuff for a lasagne tonight?" Bailey looked pleased at just the thought of her delicious cooking in front of him tonight, thanked Ellie and went to get in the shower before he went to go and see his girlfriend for lunch.

Ellie took a long sip of her coffee but flinched when she heard a loud rumble of thunder strike down over the neighbourhood. She hadn't noticed the sudden change of weather since yesterday but the rain was beating heavily on the windows and another layer of thunder seemed to be rolling closer. Karl saw she seemed startled so hopped down off the counter and wrapped her in a warm hug from behind and buried his face in the crook of her neck. She felt her tense body relax as she melted into the gorgeous man she was so lucky to have in her life.

"Would you mind driving us to the store for some food? I won't be long, just need some stuff for dinner for the next couple of days." Ellie asked, planting a small kiss on Karl's cheek.

"Yeah of course, I'll just go and get changed." He said as he released Ellie from the embrace and headed towards the stairs, "although I am still missing my favourite hoodie, I've been looking for it for weeks." He added sarcastically, to which Ellie gave him a guilty smile and both started giggling.

A few minutes later Karl bounced back downstairs in his black jeans, white converse and grey and red Corpse hoodie, and his hair much tidier than it was before. He was also carrying a pale pink jacket with a small white smiley face on it and tossed it to Ellie who caught it with a confused look on her face.

"Hey, I've been looking for this jacket!" She exclaimed as she examined the item of clothing in her hands.

"You're not the only clothing thief around here Davidson." He remarked before picking up his car keys and opening the front door. Ellie rolled her eyes, putting her jacket on and flipped the hood up to avoid her hair getting too wet from the rain. They both dashed to the car as quick as they could so they could stay as dry as possible on their trip to obtain their means of cooking dinner that night.


The three boys sat down eagerly as Ellie plated them up equal portions of the heavenly looking lasagne with a side of garlic bread. She finally plated herself up a small slice of it and sat down with them at the table as they enjoyed the delicious meal. They all soon finished and the night approached, and they headed to the comfort of their bedrooms to relax for the night.

Ellie lay awake in her bed listening to the loud repetitive strikes of lightning from outside her window. She grabbed her phone from under her pillow and looking at the time on the bright screen. 12:16. She swiped up on her phone to unlock it and clicked the green text messages icon, her finger lingered over the keyboard unsure what to type.


Ellie💞: Hey, you awake?

Karl💜: Yeah you ok? x

Ellie💞: Just can't sleep 😕

Karl💜: Did you want to come and watch a movie, I have Disney plus 😬

Ellie💞: Yeah ok, I'll be there in a min x

Ellie clutched her phone to her chest and smiled at the small but kind gesture he had made. She quietly tiptoed over to Karl's room, trying not to wake up the other two in the house. She slowly pushed his door open to see him lying on the left side of his bed with his laptop open and Disney+ loading up. Ellie carefully shut the door behind her then climbed into Karl's comfortable bed, cuddling up to him and resting her head on his chest. Karl could sense that something was wrong but couldn't tell what.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked, stroking her soft hair and scrolling through the hundreds of films on the screen; but his question was soon answered when a strong noise of thunder could be heard and he felt her flinch hard. Karl pulled her in closer and placed a light kiss on her forehead as she melted in the security of her boyfriends arms.

Karl was about to ask what film to put on when he realised Ellie's breathing had slowed and her eyes were closed. He smiled and shut his laptop before also closing his eyes and snuggling down and wrapping his arms a little tighter around his beautiful candle girl.

"I love you so much Davidson." He muttered sleepily.

"I love you too Jacobs."


Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed!! x

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