Chapter 15- Say yes to the dress

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As soon as Ellie entered the magical store she beamed as she saw four of her good friends waiting for her wearing pink 'bride squad' t-shirts. Katie, Chris, Maddy and Nick wrapped her in hugs before they were ushered by the staff to a room filled to the brim with hundreds of different dresses.

"Thank you guys so much for this!" She giggled as Chris and Nick posed in a photo together.

"It was gonna be a girls day but these 2 wanted to tag along to see all the pretty dresses." Katie giggled, pointing at the two boys ogling at a really sparkly ballgown.

Ellie took 5 different gowns into her dressing room whilst the others waited outside to see her try them on. She slipped into the first mermaid style dress, stepping out of the room the others gasped at how stunning she looked.

 "You look radiant!" Madly squealed as Ellie blushed and turned round to look at the four.

"Thank you so much, the dress is so beautiful and bridal but I'm not sure if it's very, me." She gazed at herself in the mirror, running her hands over the fabric on her curves, feeling the silk under her fingertips. Never in a million years has Ellie dreamed she'd be getting married, let alone to one of the sweetest people in the entire universe. 

The other dresses sadly came to the same reaction, the feeling of looking like a bride was overwhelming, but there was just something that didn't feel quite right. 

Half an hour into the appointment, the bride to be was funnily enough no where in sight. Katie, Maddy and Chris were seeking through the A-line dresses which seemed to be the favourited style so far, whilst Nick had gone in search of Ellie. 

"Ell?" Nick asks after knocking on her dressing room door. He heard a faint 'come in' from the inside before opening the door and seeing the frail girl sat in the corner eating a cereal bar. Shutting the door behind him he sat down next to her against the wall, the mascara smudged down her face and the fact she was sat on the floor of a bridal dressing room eating a cereal bar told him she wasn't feeling too great. 

"Want one?" She mumbled and gestured to her bag, to which Nick giggled slightly and grabbed one, resting his shoulder against hers.

"How you holding up?" He asked, mouth half full. 

"Not great. He does this every year." She sighed and he pulled a confused face. "George. He's my brother and I love him and I know he's trying to look out for me but sometimes he treats me like a piece of glass that's fragile and needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap."

"Why don't you tell him you can take care of yourself then? We all know you're a badass, maybe he just feels like he has to play the protective big brother part, because he loves you." Nick reasoned staring into her pained blue eyes. 

"Every year he makes sure I have plans to try and distract me or whatever and he thinks I don't know. I know it's sweet and everything but I'm an adult now and I can handle my own problems." Ellie threw her cereal bar wrapper in her bag and pulled out 2 bottles of water and handed one to Nick. 

"Yeah I get that and you're totally valid feeling that way but also just know that if you do ever want help with anything or feelings and shit you never have to do it on your own. We're always gonna be here for you no matter what. But don't divorce my boy or I might just have to egg your house." Nick giggled at the end and put his arm around Ellie to pull her into a hug. 

"Thank you Sap." She reciprocated the hug and reached into her bag again to pull out some face wipes.

"Dude how much shit do you have in your bag?" He laughed as she wiped the mascara off her face.

"Just in case there happened to be an apocalypse while I was shopping I need to be prepared." They both stood up as there was a knock at the door followed by the voice of Katie saying she'd found a few more dresses. Nick politely left to let Ellie get changed into the next dress. 

This one felt different. Good different. This was the dress kinda different. 

"Oh. My. God." Maddy gasped as Ellie stepped out of the dressing room showing them the perfect dress. 

"That is by far the best one, you look stunning." Chris said as she twirled round to look at herself in the mirror. It really was perfect. 

"And some good news for you this dress is $1000 within your budget." The shop worker said which put tears in her eyes. This was seriously a dream come true. 

"Ellie I swear if you don't say yes to this dress then I will." Katie giggled as Ellie dabbed her tears with a tissue.

"So I do have to ask, are you saying yes to this dress?" The assistant asked clapping her hands.

"Yes!" She did a twirl in the dream dress, gazing at herself in the mirror once again, still in shock at how fortunate she was for everything and everyone in her life. 


"No it's not ready yet!" Ellie snapped at Karl after he stole a spoonful of the curry from the pot on the stove. He giggled and ran back into the living room, diving over the back and landing on the couch. 

"It still tastes nice!" He shouted back, turning the tv over after fishing the remote from between the cushions. A short while later she plated up the curry and rice and they both sat at the dining table, chatting about their day while it cooled down. 

"Did you have fun shopping today?" Ellie asked cutting up the pieces of meat on her plate.

"Yeah it was great, I can't believe they were able to do the tailoring and stuff so quickly, we picked everything up, ties, suits everything. I put them all on hangers in the spare room with everyone's names on." Karl smiled proud of himself that he remembered all the tasks he was supposed to do. 

"Do you think anyone has ever actually planned and executed a full wedding this quickly?" She asked, raising her gaze to meet Karl's.

 "I don't know, I just can't believe in less than 2 weeks you're gonna be the real Mrs Karl Jacobs." She blushed at the though of the magical day being so close. Just then her phone lit up on the table so she excused herself and answered it in the other room- out of Karl's hearing. 

"Hello is this miss Davidson?" The woman on the phone asked.

"Yes it is." Ellie answered, knowing exactly who it was.

"Just letting you know we have been able to make those modifications to your order." She said.

"Thank you so much, I'm so glad." Ellie could barely contain her excitement. After she confirmed a few more things with her, she put down the phone and sat back down at the table with Karl. 

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah just the fitting people for my dress confirming the appointment to pick up my dress." She lied.

They carried on with small talk about their day while they finished their food before going upstairs to bed as it had gotten quite late. The countdown was getting shorter yet time was slowing down. Everything was happening so quickly but they stretched out every moment for as long as they could because, unbeknown to them, their time was limited. But then again, that's life. 


A/N: Thank you for reading! Sorry I've been gone for a while, had some stuff to take care of :) but who was ellie on the phone to, and what do we mean by lack of time? Find out soon! Also I love sibling relationships when they aren't siblings 🥰🥰 Love you guys :D

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