Chapter 6- The question

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"And that's a wrap! Good work guys we've done great, that'll be enough content till January." Jimmy clapped as everybody made their way back inside the studio after a long weekend of filming videos to release over the christmas period. They had managed to film 6 gaming videos, 3 reacting videos and 4 irl/ competition videos between the group. The camera crew headed to the editors office to give them their cameras so they could edit the footage ready to be uploaded to YouTube. 

On the way home they stopped at Ellie's old place to pick up her things- they had been talking about moving her stuff in for a while but never got round to it, but this was her last month paying rent so had to move her stuff out before the 24th. It wouldn't take long to box everything up since she didn't own too much, just her belongings so no furniture and all that. 

"Why does one require so many football shirts?" Karl giggled as he held up several coat hangers with Liverpool fc shirts on them before lying them flat in a large cardboard box, along with multiple other shirts and hoodies.

"It's one of the things I like to treat myself to every now and then, over the past 3 years I've collected nearly all my favourites." Ellie said as she began to pull some boxes from under her bed, revealing something that caught his eye. 

"Oh my god. How many nail polishes do you have?" Karl dropped to his knees and rummaged through the box of nail colours. "Can you paint my nails on stream tonight?" He looked at Ellie with is his big vulnerable eyes again, and as usual she just couldn't say no. 

 "Of course I will, what else are you gonna do on stream?" She asked, filling more boxes with her belongings. 

"I think I'm just going to chill on my Karlsnetwork channel, do a bit of Q and A and stuff." Karl picked up 2 filled boxes and took the out to the car. Ellie followed behind with the final box of her things, before going back to lock the door and post her keys through the letter box. Karl came up as well and hugged her from behind, he knew how big of a step this was and how much it meant to her.  

"I'm so excited for our new adventure." She whispered into his ear as she turned around in his arms and leant in to kiss him. They savoured the moment as they were both filled with excitement for what was to come. 


Just a few hours later and all her stuff had been moved in and everything found it's place. Ellie couldn't wait to get baking with all her favourite piping nozzles and cookie cutters- it's the little things you know? The two sat themselves down on the couch and flicked the tv on in front of them. Karl sat for a minute twiddling his thumbs, thinking about the question he wanted to ask. 

"So..." He began, causing Ellie to look at him with her sparkling blue eyes. "Christmas is in less than a week and I was wondering if maybe you would want to come with me and spend it with my family maybe? You don't have to if you don't want to, but they said they'd love to meet you." Ellie couldn't help it as a smile pulled at her mouth. 

"You told your family about me?" She asked as a warm blush began to form on her cheeks. 

"Well my sister found out first, she asked after I posted that pic on Instagram when I picked you up from the airport. Then she told Mom who has been begging me to bring you round, but don't let that put any pressure on you, it's your decision." He let out a small laugh as he gazed up at her thinking face. She hadn't spent christmas with a big family in years, usually it was just her and George, and maybe Clay if he was visiting.  

"I would love to Karl." The moment the words left her mouth he couldn't help but smile the goofiest smile in the history of smiles. He leaned over and practically lay on Ellie as he cuddled the life out of her. He didn't think he could possibly be more excited for the next week than he was now- although he was slightly nervous at the level of embarrassment he may have to experience introducing his mother to his girlfriend, you know how it is. 

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