Chapter 11- Diversion

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*lil note: at the time of this we are going to pretend that Dream has done a face reveal because going out with a mask on may be a little complicated to write. Thank you :)*

December 27th 12:43 am

"Okay honey well do stay in touch, it's been so lovely meeting you Ellie and please if you ever need anything I'm only ever on the other end of the phone." Karl's Mom gave them both a tight squeeze as they stood in the doorway with their suit cases next to them. She smiled warmly at Ellie in particular with that last sentence- Sarah hadn't told anyone but she had heard what Ellie said last night, about being apart of a family again. She was an intelligent woman and figured from that Ellie didn't have the most secure childhood which was much similar to her own. She wanted her to know that no matter what, she would always be there as a mother should she ever need it. 

"It's been amazing spending this time with you, thank you so much. We'll be visiting again soon, I promise." Ellie smiled as she went in for a hug with Corry too, as Karl ruffled his shorter brothers' hair. 

The pair were waved off by the family as they reversed out of the drive and headed back. Karl was in the passenger seat so had control over the music, so of course he hooked up his phone to the aux and blasted all his favourite music- to which they were both singing (shouting) along to. 

"NOW THAT INTERSTATE IS PAVED WITH MEMORIES-" They screamed down the highway with the windows open. Karl suddenly stopped singing when Ellie pulled off the highway, despite it being over 45 minutes until they should have been coming off. 

"You know this isn't our turning right?" He asked turning the volume down on the speakers so she could hear him. 

"Actually it is, we're making a detour." She answered with a mischievous smile on her face. Karl gazed at the google maps address that was sat in the phone holder, one that he didn't recognise.  

About 20 minutes later they pulled up outside an unfamiliar house in a secluded cul-de-sac on the outskirts of the city. The car was parked up and Ellie hopped straight out the car, followed by a still clueless Karl, and got a bag of gifts out the trunk. 

"Are you going to tell me where we are now?" He sighed getting out of the car and looking down into the bag of presents.

"You're about to find out." She giggled as she locked the car and strolled up the drive way, ringing the doorbell once she got there. A tall recognisable figure greeted them and wrapped Ellie in a hug. It was only then he realised they were at George and Clay's new home. 

"Hey guys, merry christmas!" Clay greeted as he gave Karl a bro-hug and beckoned them both inside. They stepped into the hallway of the modern furnished home when Karl pulled Ellie to one side.

"Okay so this is a really nice surprise and all, so thank you very much for this but I didn't get them any presents." He stressed in a hushed tone.

"I know, I got them. Whilst you insisted on paying for just about everything we got for your family I took the liberty of going on my own, getting them presents and surprising you with a visit with two of your best friends." She smiled innocently at him as he laughed and pulled her into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"You're too cute." He whispered just before George bounced round the corner to give them more hugs while shouting merry christmas at them. They all sat in the living room with a cup of hot chocolate opening their gifts. 

"No way a VR headset? This is amazing thank you guys so much!" George thanked after tearing open his gift, discarding the wrapping paper. 

"Oh no way!" Clay exclaimed scrolling down on his phone after a notification had just popped up just seconds prior, "Las Nevada's bar in town is doing a karaoke night tonight, did you guys want to go, it's one night only!" The others all looked at each other in excitement. 

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