Chapter 12- Hungover

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Karl stretched out his aching body and groaned at just how uncomfortable he felt. He flinched at the blinding light as he tried to open his eyes and felt a terrible pounding in his head. Upon hearing someone else groan from the other side of the room, he managed to force himself to sit up, only to realise he wasn't in bed, he was sprawled out on the couch in George and Clay's living room, and the person who made the noise was Ellie, curled up on the floor in the corner of the room with a hand on her forehead. 

"Feeling fresh guys?" George announced as he bounded into the room with four glasses of ice water and a pack of ginger nut biscuits (life hack if you're ever hungover or nauseous, ginger nuts- thank me later). 

"Can you please not be so loud." Ellie grumbled as she stood up and leaned against the wall, still pressing a palm to her head. Karl jumped as he saw Clay suddenly pop up from behind the couch opposite his, also mumbling something about George shutting up. 

"What the heck happened last night." Clay uttered a bit louder, whilst Ellie helped him off the floor and they both flopped down on the sofa, taking one of the glasses of water each off the table. 

"I mean I can show you the lovely videos I took if you like, whilst I was the only sober one who had to drag you idiots out the taxi." George giggled moving Karl's legs so he could sit down, handing him a water too. He then proceeded to show them many photos and clips of drunken karaoke, Ellie attempting to do 6 shots in a row and Karl throwing up all over the back of the taxi. "You guys just kind of collapsed and there was no way I was carrying all 3 of you upstairs so I left you here." 

"Never let me drink again." Ellie sighed as she got back up and stumbled her way to the bathroom all the way upstairs. 

"So quick question, how are you not dying?" Karl asked looking at George.

"Well I mean, I did have quite a few drinks but not nearly as many as you guys, but also I just don't seem to get hangovers." George shrugged as both Clay  and Karl scowled at him, envious of his ability to drink without consequence.

"Is it too early for a divorce?" Clay giggled as he cuddled a pillow to his chest curled up into a ball on the couch as the other two laughed at his statement. 

The rest of the morning was spent doing pretty much that on repeat, moping about and drinking as much water as they could consume in an attempt to sober themselves up. Eventually, around 1 pm and after a nice hot breakfast, they managed to pull themselves together to the point where Ellie and Karl felt okay to drive home. 

The two did some more vlogging on the way home as they had done the past few days, ready for the YouTube video they were going to upload some time in the next week. 

It took a while due to the midday traffic but after a while they finally got back to their humble abode, and were greeted by Ethan and Bailey. 

"Hey guys did you have a nice christmas?" Ellie asked as she dragged her suitcase into the house and hung her coat on the back of the door.

"It was great yeah, but uh we kind of have something to tell you guys." Bailey said as he approached them with a nervous look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Karl asked shutting the door behind him. They could both sense that there was something wrong by the body language of the two boys, like there was something they were struggling to tell them.

"Well we're both, kind of, moving out." Ethan announced as he stood up to look at Karl and Ellie's shocked faces, "My grandpa took a bad turn so I'm gonna move in with him to be his carer and Bailey's moving in with his girlfriend." They all stood there in the living room for a minute in silence, unsure how to react. 

"Oh my god that's so awesome for you guys!" Karl exclaimed bringing them into a big group hug. 

"Oh thank god I thought you were going to be so mad." Bailey sighed as the others laughed. They all sat down with some sushi that they ordered for dinner and spoke about everything they did whilst they were apart. 

Apart from the news they had to share the night was pretty uneventful, Karl had some editing to do, Bailey and Ethan began to pack their things, leaving Ellie just chilling on her own in the sitting room watching some tv. Her eyes began to feel heavier, despite it only being 6 o'clock. She decided she would close her eyes for just 5 minutes so she would feel more refreshed and able to do something productive later on. 


Ellie opened her tired eyes to the bright sunlight peeking through the windows and her aching body was still sprawled out on the couch. Despite having slept through the night she still felt awfully tired and tried looking for her phone to check the time but couldn't find it. 

Suddenly, there was a loud, repetitive banging on the door- startling Ellie but encouraging her to get up off the couch. 

"Alright chill out." She muttered to herself as she sauntered over to the door. The aggressively persistent knocker just seemed to get more angry the longer they were kept waiting, so Ellie decided to shuffle a little quicker to answer it so they hopefully wouldn't wake anyone else up. 

She put her hand on the cold door handle and realised it wasn't even  locked, but continued to open it to see who on earth was, the icy breeze hitting her as she opened it. A tall, recognisable figure stood before her and her heart jumped into her throat. 

"Found you."


Have a nice day, I hope you enjoyed :)

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