Chapter 3- Back to it

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Karl was the first to wake up the next morning, he opened his sleepy eyes to find them in the same position they were in last night- wrapped in each others arms. He carefully reached over to his bed side table to find his phone, being cautious to not wake Ellie up. The time read 08:55 and there was a text from Jimmy underneath. 

Jimbo 🔹🦁

Jimmy🔹🦁: Hey, is Ellie with u?

Karl👾: Yeah she is, everything ok?

Jimmy🔹🦁: Do you mind asking her is she'd be up for being in today's gaming video? I've text her a couple times but she hasn't answered, Chris' come down with the flu and the viewers loved her in the waterpark video!

Karl👾: No problemo I'll ask her when she gets up 👍

Jimmy🔹🦁: Thanks man, see you at 12 :)

As if by magic Ellie began to wake up and opened her blurry eyes to see Karl gazing right back at her. 

"You're really comfy," She muttered as she pulled the duvet up to her chin and lay her head back on Karl's chest listening to the repetitive thumping of his heart. 

"So are you, but we can't stay here all day," Karl reasoned to which Ellie groaned and pouted "Jimmy text me and asked if you wouldn't mind being in a video today because Chris' sick."

"What are you doing in said video?" Ellie questioned as she sat up and shuffled to the edge of the bed. 

"It's some Among Us for the gaming channel, he's invited some youtubers like Pewdiepie, Quackity, Dream, Tommy and a few others- he's apparently doing a big prize!" Karl said as he also got himself out of bed. 

"Yeah I don't mind, I'm just gonna jump in the shower and get ready." Ellie leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek before getting up and heading to the bathroom. Karl flopped back down backwards on his bed smiling like an idiot, still questioning how he got so lucky. As he came back down to earth he remembered to text Jimmy that Ellie agreed to be in the video then proceeded to pick out the clothes he was going to wear for the day. 


They pulled up to the studio just as the song on the radio finished and the pair got out the car, racing to the door to avoid getting soaked by the rain. They strolled through the building to the section with the gaming rooms. Whilst there was only three of them they were all in separate rooms, also to stop them finding out if one of them was the imposter by looking at their screens. Karl helped Ellie set up the face cam and angle it in the right position before heading to his own room and getting all his stuff ready. They both entered the discord call with Corpse, Sykkuno, Tommyinnit, Quackity, Jimmy, Jack, Felix and Dream, said their greetings and Jimmy did the intro. Everyone had already joined the lobby and picked their skins so the game was ready to start. 

"So this time there will be only one impostor and if they succeed they will get $100,000!" Jimmy announced and you could hear all of the shocked reactions in discord, they had no idea that much would be on the line. 

The first round went by quickly, no one was too suspicious until Sykkuno killed Dream right in front of Corpse, there was a bit of debate for one or two votes but he eventually lost as they both got voted off. Since the video would have been all of 5 minutes long with all the footage included, so he chose to do one more round to see if anyone of them could outsmart the rest. 

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