Chapter 10- Really?

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She stood there in a stunned silence; a hand still clapped over her mouth as she gazed back at Karl's glistening eyes. Oh my god. He looked so worried that he'd messed up, he was so precious.

"Yes." Ellie managed as Karl seemed to blink in shock as if he was expecting a different answer.

"Really?" He cringed a little as he stood back up, she cupped his face with her hands and pulled him close.

"Of course I do stupid." She giggled as more tears flowed from her eyes and she pulled him in to what felt like the most important kiss of their whole relationship. They stayed there as if they had nothing else to do, which they didn't. Time didn't matter anymore; they had all the time in the world and their whole future in front of them. 

"When I look at you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. Never in a million years did I think I'd find someone so perfect, someone who could make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone that would touch my life so profoundly and just give me a whole new reason to breathe. But then I found you. And I realized that everything I ever anticipated you to be doesn't even compare to who you are. You are everything to me Karl Jacobs, and I can't wait to be your wife." Ellie sniffed back tears as she declared her true love just as he had done. She examined the ring more closely as he put it gently on her finger- it sliding on perfectly. It had 3 blue crystals sat in a rose gold casing. 

"I remembered how you said you couldn't wear diamonds when you were shopping at Pandora for some earrings, so it's a dark alexandrite stone; your birth stone." He smiled as she blushed even more realising he had once again remembered something small she said and gone out the way to do this. Just for her. 

"I love you so much." she said, wrapping her arms around Karl's neck and puling him into another tight hug. Karl slinked his arms round her back to pick her up a few inches off the floor and twirl round in a circle. Ellie giggled from the dizziness as she was put back down on the floor.

"Thank you for the best 6 months of my life, I can't wait to see what the future holds for us." He whispered bonking his forehead against Ellie's. He knew what the future held for them, and he was going to love it for as long as he could. 


The sun decided to peek through the gap in the curtains early next morning and begin melting the snow on the outside of the glass panes, dripping smoothly on the window sill. After the excitement of yesterday everybody slept in, even Corry who was often up at ungodly hours of dawn. 

Surprisingly Ellie was the first person awake in the house which was odd as she loved a good lie-in, but was far to excited to get back to sleep once she had awoken. Karl lay next to her, snoring gently still fast asleep as she admired the crystal ring that fit perfectly on her finger. She'd been smiling so much her cheeks hurt, in absolute awe of how lucky she was. After checking the time and seeing it was just past 8, Ellie carefully slipped out of bed as to not wake Karl and wandered over to his desk, picking up the clothes off the floor, folding them and putting them back in her suitcase. 

Sitting down on the cold chair she took a picture of the ring on her finger in the nice lighting, and uploaded it to Instagram. 



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