Chapter 13- Found

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🌸Just a note- this is going to contain a bit more bad language than previous chapters- I hope you still enjoy my muffins🌸

"KARL!" Ellie screamed but the man had already pushed her to the ground and knocked her out cold. She didn't feel any pain when she hit the floor, but her heart ached as once again the memories came flooding back. 

~~~a few years earlier~~~

"What did you expect idiot? You never want to be intimate with me and you constantly distance yourself so why on earth wouldn't I want someone better?" Chad shouted and Ellie did her very best to hold back the tears threatening to break from her eyes. 

"I expected you to have the decency to at least break up with me before going and fucking my cousin, and letting me find out from my friends." Ellie scolded kicking one of the chairs in frustration. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes standing around the other side of the dining table that was the only thing separating the two. 

"Oh get over it, it's not like you'd have the audacity to break up with me and go back to being a worthless little loner like you were before, it's not even like you've got looks going for you." He laughed at his own statement as he did his usual job of belittling her as much as humanely possible. 

"No. That's where you're wrong. You promised me you'd be there for me and take the pain away but all you do is cause me more. And I'm done trying to look past everything for the sake of being in a relationship. Fuck being popular if it means I'm rid of a parasite like you. Now get out of my house." Ellie stormed over and flung the door open, making a slam vigorous enough it almost took the painting off the walls. He stomped up and reached the doorframe, but before walking off his turned round in his spot, towering over her.

"You'll never find someone like me." Chad spat in her face as he spoke but she still didn't flinch.

"Halle-fucking-lujah." Was the last thing she deadpanned before slapping the door just as forcefully as she had opened it. Ellie let out a long, shaky breath as her world came back into focus after the heated break up with her so called 'boyfriend'. She sauntered over taking a seat at the dining table, but before her head hit the table in exhaustion she caught a glimpse of another figure stood in the entrance to the living room. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Pretty much all of it, it was kinda loud." George sighed, sitting next to his sister and putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "He was a dick anyway, I don't know what you ever saw in him."

"Well, he was an escape. He told me he loved me and that was it- all I focused on, a distraction. I just finally felt like someone cared." Ellie sobbed, her head in her arms on the hard oak table. 

"Hey I care!" He jested in an attempt to lighten the mood a little but she just turned her head to the side, gazing up at him with her puffy red eyes. He could tell she wasn't in the joking mood. 

"It's never going to get any better is it though George? It just always hurts. I can't focus in class, I'm not eating right, not sleeping right and I overthink just about everything. I can't go on like this I just feel so rubbish all the time." Tears burned down her face like lava as the world seemed to slow back down. She had been running for so long. Avoiding her problems, not facing them and letting her mind worsen because of it. "I can't do this anymore."


"Oh, you're awake. I was starting to get bored." Chad sighed as he reluctantly waited for Ellie to wake back up. She blinked away her blurry vision, only to find herself restrained with itchy rope tightly wrapped around her body and the chair she appeared to be sat on. 

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