Chapter 7- Let's go

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"How on earth do you not know what kind of stuff your sister likes, you grew up with her?" Ellie stressed as the two walked aimlessly around the mall trying to find a present for Corry from Ellie. The mall was pretty empty with it being nine in the morning, that gave them time to shop, wrap, pack and still get to Karl's parents' house at about 5 o'clock ish. She decided to try and be resourceful and scroll through her social medias to see if there were any evident interests that she would be able to use to buy Corry a meaningful present. 

After over and hour of searching many different stores for gifts for Karl's family, the two finally headed home to A) wrap the presents and B) pack their stuff to go to the Jacobs' family home. After getting himself tangled up in tape and tearing quite a lot of the wrapping paper, he made the advanced move of putting all his presents in gift bags with some tissue paper on top- to still provide the element of surprise. Ellie managed to wrap her presents relatively neatly using some hacks she found on Pinterest. 

The secondary task of packing didn't take very long, just everything they would need for the next few days; clothes, phone chargers, presents etcetera. Ellie dragged her suitcase to the front door and put on her jacket, as Karl came bouncing downstairs, saying he had a fantastic idea.

"So, I haven't uploaded on YouTube recently and I probably won't be streaming over christmas so why don't we do a vlog?" Ellie couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not at first, but seeing the excitement on his face, wanting to try something new for his viewers, told her he was serious. 

"Sure why not? I bet you we'll still be better than them plastic youtubers who fake everything. Yes today so I'm going to be posting my boyfriend in a box and giving his mom a heart attack, watch till the end to find out!" Ellie put on a silly accent for the last bit and they were both in stitches.

"Yeah I mean how hard can it be? Worst case scenario we find out we really can't vlog and we don't upload it." Karl shrugged his shoulders and got his camera out of his bag, deciding they would do the intro in the car.

They hauled their suitcases into the trunk of Karl's car, he got in the drivers seat and Ellie in the passengers side, and they set of on their 3 hour 45 minute drive. Ellie turned the camera on and secured it to the dashboard so both her and Karl were in the frame. In the intro they basically explained they were going to vlog their trip, and Ellie got an idea. She put a thing up on her Instagram story where people could ask questions and they would answer them in their vlog, and she soon got loads of questions rolling in. They decided to answer them later if the journey got boring, turned off the camera for a bit and carried on cruising down the highway. 


"I told you to go before we left!" Ellie claimed as she opened maps on her phone looking for the nearest service station. Karl was currently desperate for the bathroom in just under an hour into their journey, unsurprising considering he had already gone through one monster and two water bottles. Luckily there was a station just 10 minutes down the highway which they got too just in time before Karl literally wet himself. 

Ellie had a little chat with the camera whilst Karl was in the toilets, as if she was just talking to one of her friends. She nipped into Starbucks while she had a minute to get them both a hot chocolate and some delicious hot buttered croissants, exiting the shop at the same time as Karl was coming out of the bathroom. He accepted them gratefully as they headed back to the car. 

"Do you want me to drive the next leg of the journey? You already look tired." Ellie asked as they were hit by the frosty winter air when they were leaving the building. 

"Are you sure you don't mind? I'll drive the last hour or so later then." They both nodded in agreement and got in the car in the opposite seats to before. Karl fixed the camera back in the position it was before and began reading some of the questions off Ellie's phone as they set back off. 


"No. No. No. No. Pineapple does not go on pizza, and it never will." Ellie giggled as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, keeping her eyes on the road. She handed the cup to Karl so he could put it in the cup holder, as he was nodding in agreement to the pineapple pizza statement. Karl switched apps on her phone to look at google maps, saying they were about 50 minutes away depending on traffic. He put the mobile down and turned the radio up a little, before moving his legs to sit in a cross legged position and shuffling around to get comfy. 

They stopped at another service station about 15 minutes later as they both needed the bathroom, and they also used the opportunity to switch drivers again so Karl could do the last stretch as promised. 

Sooner than they expected, they were pulling into the driveway of Karl's parents' house and Ellie suddenly got rather nervous. 

"Oh my god what if your parents don't like me? Or, or if I make a bad impression on them or something I-" Her rambling was cut short by Karl leaning in and kissing her delicately. They savoured the moment before pulling apart and looking into each others glistening eyes. 

"They are going to love you just as much as I do- if that's humanely possible. Don't worry your pretty little head about it." Karl reassured her as he bopped their foreheads gently together. 

"Okay, yeah, it'll be fine, totally fine." She told herself as she took a deep breath and got out the car, helping Karl get the suitcases out of the trunk. They wheeled their cases by their sides as they strolled up the path towards the front door. He raised his hand to knock on the ebony black door, but first turned to look at Ellie.




Thank you so much for readingggggg :) the next chapter should be out tomorrow if I can get my crap together and sort out my sleep schedule 👍

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