Chapter 14- Dreaming

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"And then I woke up. But this isn't the first time it's happened, these realistic nightmares." Ellie sighed fiddling with her engagement ring. She didn't like going behind his back but therapy was the only this she thought would help- it was at least worth a go right? Karl didn't think so- he was worried digging up her past would just upset her more so Ellie was forced to make the appointment without his knowledge and told him she was going to dinner with a friend. 

"Well miss Davidson we've never really seen something so realistic reoccurring so often, the obvious pointer is the childhood trauma factor but it seems there is something else going on as well. Have you had any sort of brain damage or injuries in the past that could be leading to these hallucinations or reduced melatonin production?" The woman asked making a quick note in her book and leaning forward resting her elbows on her knees.

"Nothing major, I mean I've had my fair share of bumps I mean I'm clumsy as but no long term stuff. And as for mental strain I can't remember the last time I was this happy, there was a thing about 5 months ago with my dad but that's all behind me now." Ellie took a minute to think, she wasn't used to sharing her feelings so quickly and with so little thought but then again, that's what love does to you, everything becomes easier- right?

"Okay, well our session is up for today but you can make our next at the reception area. It's been lovely talking to you." She said standing up the same time that Ellie did from the comfy chairs.

"Thank you Sally it's been a great help." Ellie shook her hand before leaving, not stopping at reception to make another appointment. The truth was this was her fourth visit behind Karl's back- she started after the first encounter with her dad after they got back to the states and she felt the need to book one after last weeks antics. 

She stopped at Starbucks on the way back because she was craving a salted caramel latte, so brought Karl back a hot chocolate too. Once in the house it became clear he was streaming because she heard a few screams come from his room, followed by him shouting 'chat' a few times in disbelief. 

Ellie chose to knock first before being called in between talking to his friends on discord. 

"Hey, I brought you hot chocolate!" She said as she was greeted with a warm smile from Karl who was laid back in his spinny chair at his desk. 

"Aw thank you, come say hi to the stream!" He beckoned so she handed him his coffee cup and gave him a hug from round the back of his chair, leaning her elbows on his shoulders to read the chat. 

"Hey chat, how are we tonight?" She giggled as the hundreds of comments welcomed her to the stream. Karl had his headphones on and flinched as there were about 3 people who screamed hello all at once in the dead, absolutely deafening him. Looking at the monitor on the right, she saw he was in a call with Sapnap, Nihachu and Wilbur. 

"Hey I need to pee, will you entertain the stream for me please? We're playing Uno if you want a turn." He stood up placing the headphones over her ears and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running off to the bathroom. 

"Hi guys how are you?" Ellie asked to the others in discord whilst sitting cross legged in the chair. 

"Not bad dude but when are you coming back to the UK we miss you." Wilbur but on an extra depressed sigh at the end jokingly making everyone laugh. The screen changed as the game began playing.

"I do want to come back soon, or maybe you should come over her, like for my wedding maybe?" Ellie hinted making Niki squeal with joy.

"Yes I'd love to be there, I'm so happy for you guys!" She clapped placing down a +4 on Will making him groan. 

"I will be sending out formal invitations but Karl was really wanting to have it soon, spring maybe?" Ellie clicked on a blue 7 and clicked to pick up someone else's deck. 

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