Chapter 17
I scanned through my birth records. I saw under guardians- Christine and Dave Lovaine. My eyes scrolled through the paper, but paused when I thought I had seen Caleb name listed under siblings. I immediately called the nurse in thinking perhaps, the medicine the nurses had given me were making me delusional. However to my surprise, there was nothing wrong with me. As my eyelids started to feel heavy, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of it, just in case I needed it later on. Before I could even comprehend the fact that Caleb could possibly be my brother, I was having a dream in which. getting married to Taylor Lautner.
* Sadly just when I was going into labor with Taylor's and I first child, I heard a loud knock on the door. "Come in." I yelled before I let out a lion like yawn. "Good morning hun". "Morning mom." I responded. "How are you doing? " "Ok, I guess." I said. I took up my phone to check the time, when I remembered what I had seen last night. "Mom." I called "Yes love." She answered quite delightfully. "When did you plan to tell me that Caleb was my brother?" I watched as the delightful smile, turned real swiftly unto a rather un pleasant frown. "Um, soon." She answered quickly. "When you say soon, was it going to be before or after I got married and was pregnant." I said fiercely. When she neglected to answer me I decided , why not hit here with some more questions. "Is there anything else I should know, while we''re on this topic. Did you guys legally adopt, or you guys just decided to abduct me? I shouted at them. The room returned silent again, for a brief minute, before a shaky voice broke the silence. "Annabelle, when your mother was giving birth to you, she faced many complications. When you were delivered, I was in the room to see you get delivered. Not too long after, while the nurse held you, your mom went into shock." As tears rolled down my mom eyes she continued to speak.
"She never recovered though, and when she passed. It was a custody battle between your father and I. I won custody because your father at the time was s drug dealer and also since I was your mom's sister. " She took a deep breathe and I watched as my aunt struggled to keep herself composed. "Mom, I mean aunty, why didn"t you tell me any of this. . I said calmly interrupting her and trying my best to fight the tears from my eyes that eagerly tried to escape. Again the room got silent, but this time I didn't stay. I gently tugged on the plugs tapped to my heart, and deattached myself from the various machines I was hooked up to. "Where r u going?" I heard someone yell. "Somewhere."I answered. "Exactly where?" The person persistently asked. "Out!"I yelled walking toward the door. "Annabelle- "just leave me alone ", I yelled . "Your not my mother, so just stop pretending to be." I said before slamming the door. I sat on the ground and texted the one person I knew, was always there for me.
Me: Caleb I need 2 talk to you.
Caleb: Ok I''ll be there in about the next 10 minutes. Need anything?
Me: No I'm gud. I''ll see u soon. Wait maybe a Large Oreo McFlurry.
Caleb: Ok, and a large fries?
Me: You noe me 2 well. :-D
Caleb: Yeah I noe, on my way.
Me: Kk, thanks
Caleb: No prob.
Even in my anger I always made time for food. Food had a strange way of distressing me.
I hope u enjoyed the chapter!

Best Friends For Ever Or For Never (On Hold)
KurzgeschichtenEveryone in their life at least once had that one person you told your secrets, that one person who always got you in trouble yet you still hung out with , that one person who could cheer you up when you're down. For Annabelle it was Caleb. But what...