Instead of going home like I usually did, I decided to pay Lea a surprise visit. I pushed the bell, and Lea answered the door with the most surprised look I've ever seen. "What are you doing here ?" She asked with a shocked expression on her face. "I just wanted to do if you were okay?" I reaponded. "Thanks , it means a lot, but umyou really shouldn't be here its not safe?" She said glancing behind me. "Can we at least talk for a minute?" I asked. "O.k". She responded calmly. I walked in and was stunned at how big and amazing her mansion was. Yes a mansion !!!! "Well your father must be rich!" I said with excitement. "Step-father!" she emphasized as we sat down. "Lea if you don't mind me asking what happened to your mother?" I asked with tactfulness. " A few years ago when I was five and Erin was seven my mom got hit by a car. It was all my fault. I was throwing my teddy bear to Lea and I accidently threw it to far. My mom saw it and told me and Lea to stay on the sidewalk as she got it. Coincidently around that moment I saw a a balloon in the air. I yelled mommy look and she just took a quick glance, but then a car car came speeedimg down the road. By the time I yelled Mommy Car !!! Mommy was already gone. And thats how I killed mommy," she said tears gushing out of her eyes her eyes . I embraced her in a hug, allowing her to cry on my shoulders. "Ever since then Erin has made my life a living hell, but I deserve it ,every last bit of it.
The door slanmed shut to show a furious Erin behind the door. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" Erin yelled. "I just came to talk to Lea about some stuff ." I just want I said grabbing my bag to leave. "Why so soon ?" She asked with a fake concerned look on her face. "Did she tell her the pity version on how our mom died? How her teddy bear fell in the street and a whole load of crap. But I bet she didn't tell you that she was a liar. Guess who locked you in the janitors closet she did!!!! Yep ! "Um I really should be going I have homework." I said slowly backing out. As soon as I left the house all I could hear was glass shattering , plates breaking and screaming.
Something tells me theres more to the story then I know.Its summer vacation guys !!!! I'm so excited because the ideas are really flowing. I will be updating pretty soon again since schools out. So keep reading. Andd don't forget to vote and comment. Love y'all !!!

Best Friends For Ever Or For Never (On Hold)
Short StoryEveryone in their life at least once had that one person you told your secrets, that one person who always got you in trouble yet you still hung out with , that one person who could cheer you up when you're down. For Annabelle it was Caleb. But what...