Chapter 13
~"There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved." - George Sand
As I arrived at the restaurant, I was quite shocked at the fact, he wasn't here as yet. I took out my phone, to check the time and saw it said 5:05. While I was waiting for him, I started to daydream about us in France.
I imagined us eating at a similar french restaurant like this, 10 years from now. It would have been a chilly day in France. I would have been eating a croissant while partially leaning on him, and waiting for the chicken parmesan we had just ordered. After we would have been done eating, he would pull my hands towards him, tell me he loved me and then quickly go down on one knee and pop the question. I would have been so surprised and shocked, that all I would've done is nod . He would then place the ring on my finger and we would.... As I was about to imagine the kiss, Leone came running in looking like he had just ran a mile, rescue a family from a burning house and then run up all the stairs in the statue of liberty. Here I was all dressed up in my fancy lace dress and black pumps, while he was in jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt with a printed tie. "Sorry I'm late". He said. "Its Okayy." I said as I glanced at the time. Five-thirty already, wow time was really flying. We soon started to talk and then we ordered some ready good french food and ,no we did not have french fries. Afterwards we had delicious cherry pie for desert and talked and laughed so more. We were having a good time. The evening seemed to have been going pitch perfect, little did I know I was in for a big surprise.
I started to get up to leave, when Leone grabbed me hands and pulled me towards him. "Annabelle, all this time I've spent with you has been amazing, but- " Oh no, once I heard the word but I knew I was in for some trouble. "I can't see you no more." He said staring into my eyes. "Wait, why, was it me?."I asked holding back tears. "No,no not at all! Its just that, someone's loves you more then I do, and it would be wrong if I secretly dated you behind his back." "Who?". I asked angrily." "My baby brother- Aaron." He said softly. "What the hell are you talking back ?" I yelled, slowly backing up from him. As I yelled people in the restaurant started to stare at us. "The night when I met you, [he started saying] it wasn't by accident, I had told Aaron to bring you.
The way he described you, I just had to meet you I spiked the punch, to get everyone drunk. Its all my fault. I'm really sorry,"he muttered. "Me too, I'm sorry I ever met you. " I said leaving. "Wait !" He said grabbing my arm. "Get off of me, you piece of poop( you know what I mean)!" I yelled, pulling my arm away. "Why did you have to hurt me?" I cryed. As he came closer to me to comfort me I ran out of the restaurant, straight into the street. But I didn't see the car coming , and the car coming didn't see me.
What do you think is going to happen next? Do you like it, or do you hate it? Comment!

Best Friends For Ever Or For Never (On Hold)
Short StoryEveryone in their life at least once had that one person you told your secrets, that one person who always got you in trouble yet you still hung out with , that one person who could cheer you up when you're down. For Annabelle it was Caleb. But what...