"I can walk. And I can talk. I think I am doing pretty well!"

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"How are you feeling big man?" Tommy opened his eyes and observed his surroundings. Spruce floors and stone brick walls. Warm lantern light. A familiar ram boy. Purple beds. Some medicine and a cozy purple blanket.

"We were so worried when we got you out of the water and you were unconscious with bloody vines trying to hold you down. Apart from you, we didn't really have any major casualties. Everyone, well, I think everyone who is either neutral or hates it, is safe. Punz and Purpled and Ant with Bad are still there." Tubbo wore his wooly fluffy snowcoat. "I'll tell the others you're awake now. Be right back." He left and closed the door, leaving Tommy to his own thoughts.

"This is a hospital set up of some kind..." He looked at the blanket. "And this feels church primey."

"Was everything that happened...real, then?" He got out of the bed and looked down at his feet. The leg the vines held him in his dream was bandaged up. He was wearing a simple woolen shirt. His normal red and white shirt was outside drying on a clothes lines with some other clothes from all the water and blood.

His racoon tail and ears were still intact. So was his face as he looked in the mirror. Feeling accomplished, he opened the door and went outside.

"Tommy! Did you recover well? I'm so glad you're okay!" Puffy hugged him and put him back on the ground.

"Hey Puffy, what exactly happened that I'm like this?"

"Well, Bad started attacking us and it led us to flee to Snowchester but for some reason it wanted you the most... Tommy mouthed an 'o' before nodding.

"So, what are we doing now?"

"I'm trying to make a cure that will work in the short term, and then I'm going to work on a long-term one. It's just that I have limited prime water and a lot has gone around to cure the people we ran away with." Sam came into their conversation, wearing a lab coat stained in different reds, blues and blacks.

"We're setting up part of Snowchester as a camp until we find a place where the egg can't reach to reside. Skeppy has probably found a place to stay. Haven't seen that guy in ages." Puffy shrugged.

"People speculate that he died, though I see that unlikely for someone who has barely lost any of his lives yet. Even then, he would only lose one life. I think Bad is still in there, though I'm not sure. Probably either trapped in the nether or living in secret in some part of the mainlands. Even if I tried, I have no way to check up on him without portals." Sam pulled out a map of the mainlands and started looking at it.

Tommy soon got bored of all the egg talk and decided to check up on Tubbo and Ranboo, who were making another tent for the arriving people.

"Hey, Ranboo!" Tommy waved as they nailed down the second to last peg for the tent to go up.

"Hey Tommy. How are you doing? Feeling better?"

"I can walk. And I can talk. I think I am doing pretty well!"

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