"Don't leave me like Bad did."

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The camp was already quite busy. White lava bubbled in the centre where the campfire usually stayed as bloody red blocks and melting demon metal stacked beside it. The two disappeared behind Skeppy as they went to greet and embrace their friends.

Skeppy walked down through the people laughing and talking together, walking up to a familiar tent as he opened it.

"Skeppy? We needed your input." Sam, Puffy, and Sapnap sat around the beds, staring at him.

"Is it the plan?"

"Yes, we need someone, someone like you, who has seen the nether and also has a better understanding on how the egg works." Puffy featured him near as he sat down beside Sapnap.

"So what are your ideas so far?"

"So far, we've had full mob charging and divided teams." Sam pulled out a notebook and flipped through the pages.

"I still think we should do groups. We'll have less casualties and it will be more coordinated." Sapnap said.

"I think that's a great idea! Though we need to coordinate the groups by how strong they are in that particular biome and subject." Skeppy grasped a paper and pen on a night stand near them, scribbling down some things.

He doodled three circles. "There are three cores we need to get rid of. The one in the nether, the one in L'manburg, and the egg itself, Bad included somehow."

"Does each core have a separate mind or are they connected or are they the same entity?" Sam asked, drawing up some things in his notebook.

"Each core is connected somewhat to the egg and has the same effect and voice, so they're most likely parts of the egg that were able to bloom in other places. They're capable of complex thinking, magic and mind manipulation."

"Interesting. Is there a way to be several steps ahead of them?"

"Well, Puffy, since they're literal master demons, the only real possible way to do something is to do something they wouldn't expect. They cannot expect the unexpected. Any ideas?"

"We can nuke it." They all turned to face the voice. Tubbo stood at the doorway, hazmat suit on.

"We can nuke the cores."

"But Tubbo that would cause so much unnecessary destruction and loss of life! Its-"

"The demons wouldn't expect a bomb to drop on them, Skeppy. We can immobilize them with the groups, get our shit and leave as the nuke obliterates the cores. It's foolproof."

"Have you been eavesdropping?" Puffy asked him. The ram boy nodded. Everyone turned to Sam for confirmation. Giving a sigh, he stood up from the purple sheeted bed he was sitting on.

"I thought we'd never come to this, but it seems it has. We'll still send people to weaken it so it has less of a chance to survive the blast, and we'll pack up our things and move off here since the radiation would probably kill us. Skeppy, have the cords for your home?"

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