"What the fuck did it do to this place..."

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The fleshy amalgamation dragged around everything in its path as the phase rode on their horses to subdue it. It was slow though, so they had an advantage.

It wasn't Jack. Jack wouldn't do this. But why would he willingly give himself to the egg? It didn't make sense to Nikki.

Tommy was still processing his possible death at the nuke sight that Nikki nearly caused by leading him towards it without telling him what it was. He felt unsafe, but was glad she had somewhat changed.

Foolish, who had joined them back after delivering his message, silently prayed that evil wouldn't prevail.

Ranboo feared for the worse since they were approaching an egg infected area in a dead end.

Sam only clutched onto a half-awake Dream as he thought about the possible outcomes of the phase.

They rode near the tall infamous prison as a dangerous idea came into his mind.

He could probably lose one of his lives doing it, but he knew it was for the best.

"Nikki," The pinkette tilted her head. She only held a soul fire torch, dimly lighting the way.

"Take Ranboo and the others back to the docks. I have an idea, but it's dangerous." He got off his horse, taking Dream off and placing him on Nikki's horse who slowed down for him.

"What? You could lose a-"

"That's not what's important now Nikki. I honestly don't know the outcome of what I'm about to do, or if Jack will be okay if this goes well." He gave the others a warm smile." And I don't want you to suffer the stress and trauma of seeing your friend killed.

Nikki thought of the sight, Jack's amalgamated body torn apart with blades and swords. It scared her and it was an outcome she never wanted to see.

"If you say so Sam. Stay safe though, I don't know what I could do without you." Tommy got off the horse, followed by Ranboo. Together, they hugged him and got back on their horses.

"Sam." He turned to face Puffy's son, who held a small bungle in his hands, tied up with a cowhide.

"If you feel like you're gonna take a lot of damage, pull it out and use it." He shoved the wrapped up item into his chest and took his hand to shake, before going back to his horse.

Nodding, he pulled out a piece of torchwood, gesturing the other to leave as the monster neared their group.

Nikki nodded and ordered the others to continue going down the path. Sam watched them leave as he pulled out his lighter and struck it to light up the torch wood with soul fire.

"Hey! Jack! Over here!" The thing turned away from the horse riders to himself. He waved the burning blue torch around in his hand, running off as he made his way to the prison's path.

It was the only chance he had.

Jack was becoming a bit faster now, running as fast as his disfigured legs and body allowed him to.

Sam opened the prison doors and pressed the button, teleporting him to the prison guardians' room.

He looked around. It was infested with vines crawling up from every corner of the room. He didn't like it. It reminded him of what was at hand. It reminded him of the months worth of suffering and moving around the server because some vines were trying to kill them.

He had to act fast, or else Jack could potentially go after his friends he had attempted to keep safe.

Busting open into the control room, he looked around for a specific button. Something that could help and keep him and his friends safe from harm's way for good. That was all he wanted. For everyone to be safe.

His thoughts were interrupted has the yelling and screams of whatever the fuck Jack was errupted through downstairs.

Had he known about the mining fatigue? Did he use haste to cancel it out? Sam could only wonder as he scrambled for the button he was looking for.

Blue and plain, it read 'Lockdown'.

"Prison. Initiate total lockdown and voice control."

"Initiate: Total Lockdown Procedure."

Looking around, he looked for the final button.

Black and plain, it only had two words on it. Self Destruction.

"Prison, set the self destruction timer to twenty minutes."

"Are you sure Awesamdude? We have several alternativ-

"Prison, set the self destruction timer to ten minutes.

"Timer set."

Leaving the control room buttonboard, he turned to the cameras. Blood and vines covered the halls that were visible, some of the cameras were completely covered in red.

The timer on his watch for the prison was ticking. He didn't have time to stand around.

He left the prison guard room towards the hallways, wielding his sword as he cautiously walked down the blood path..

Something else was in the blood too. He poked at a weird clump with his leg, picking it up with his gloved hand.

"Sam Awesamdude. I think it's time we talked." Sam shivered cautiously as Jack's distinguishable but warped voice rang through the speakers. Sam caught a track of Jack's blood on the floor he walked on. A bit of vine flesh was mixed with it too.

He shivered at the thought of what could be at the end of the hallway. He looked back at the object dripping with blood in his hand.

It became a bit more clear what it was.

...A rose? A white rose even. Why would it be here out of all places? He looked around. He noticed it a bit more. It grew on the vines, pretty and fluffy. He'd never seen it act this way before. What was going on?

The prison cells usually had nothing in them, but that day they were willed with warped and failed forms of vine monster, banging tiredly against the iron bars and chains. Malformed amalgamations like what Jack had become.

There was even an inmate eating the corpse of someone it killed in the cell beside it, and a hanging vine creature in another. It sent shivers down his body.

"What the fuck did it do to this place..." He opened the control panel for the floor at the end of the hallway, only finding everything broken and a voice recorder with a sticky note reading '⍀⍜⌇⟒.'.

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