"...What do you want that we don't have?"

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"Why do you have to make things so difficult, Skeppy? We tried our best. Illusions, hallucinations, real and fleshed, why are you so greedy?" The snake's silhouette circled him, synchronized wails and gurgles filled his ears.

"I want to find a new home that's not here."

"You can find a home at the bottom of the ocean! I'm sure the others will welcome you in open arms."

"No! I want a home where I can visit my friends. Where I can meet them again. Where I can... the egg."

"But why would you want to go to a place where everyone assumes you're dead and your bestest best friend wants you dead? Doesn't sound like a homely place to me."

"A cold ice coffin several hundred feet down in icy water doesn't sound very homely either."

The snake groans in frustration.

"You've left us no choice." The snake disappeared again, and a cold needle-stabbing pain caused Skeppy to scream as he looked behind him. The drowned that tried to impersonate Bad, though in severe stages of decomposition, held and twisted the ice shard blade in the middle of his back near his stomach.

He threw his sword in its direction, obliterating it's mushy skull and pulled the blade off before attempting to swim to the surface.

"The greedy and the ungrateful get the curse. Too bad you're one of them." The drowned laughed a laugh of triumph and satisfaction, breaking away before becoming simple seafoam floating around in the water.

Skeppy climbed up to a glacier but fell back into the waters as the snake broke it with a swipe of its tail.

"Your heart is ours, Your soul is ours, your body is ours, STOP BEING UNGRATEFUL AND GREEDY!" The snake's anger caused the waves to rage, the clouds became dark and started raining.

"Why are so you fucking difficult?!" Skeppy was swept into the waves, holding onto the snake's drowned limb scales for dear life as it lamented.

He caught a grip and started climbing onto the snake, enough to reach its main neck. The snake saw him and swatted him away again, landing him into the water but not before giving him blunt force trauma from hitting a glacier before the water.

He weakly climbed onto the glacier again, but collapsed as soon as he got onto it.

The snake circled the glacier from underneath it before moving around a bit to face Skeppy face to face.

"Any last words, Skeppy?" The snake grinned. "You'll be so much happier with us. I don't understand what we don't have that you want. We have the purest of gold and the shiniest of emeralds. Palace after palace after palace full of all your worldly desires." It took a small breath. "Tell us Skeppy. What do you want that we don't have?"

Skeppy, who was nearly unconscious from the hit, looked up at the snake with tired fading eyes.

"You may have-ow- everything but there is one thing you don't have." He held up the ice shard the drowned used on him mere minutes before. "An asker."

With that, Skeppy lunged at the snake with all his remaining energy, stabbing it in it's gums. It gave a high pitched synchronized scream in pain. The part where they were stabbed started turning into ice, and soon they were fully ice.

It shattered like fallen glass on impact from a raindrop, its pieces falling into the cold waters.

He weakly smiled. Was he gonna live? Was he gonna die? He didn't know. All he heard was the whimpering cubs, the harsh waves, and the rain as he slipped into darkness.

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