"Will you live to come back?"

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Phase two and three rode on horses, donkeys and their own feet as pink snow hammered down on them. The night sky was still as crimson and red as it was earlier, just a bit clearer.

Skeppy was a bit worried for his son and everyone else that went with him, but he hoped for the best. The worry on the other's faces was clearer than his own.

Pink snow blizzard that had started earlier made it a bit harder to go through, but they tried their best to get through the unusual weather.

"Hey Sam, what's that in the distance?" Skeppy pointed towards a hazy blue light through the falling snow.

"I'm not sure if I'm being honest, but we need to investigate what it is before moving forward." His horse came to a halt as the line of animals and people and bags came to a stop.

Nikki jumped down from her horse and Puffy got out of her dog sled, running up to Sam and Skeppy who were just as dazed as them.

"Why'd we stop?" Nikki's hair was tangled and thinned from the harsh weather they were facing; pink snow tangled in the thin locs and ice froze her eyelashes and cracked her lips.

"I think it's because of that weird blue thing ahead," Puffy pointed at the blue light illuminating in the foggy blizzard with her mittened hooves, petting one of her dogs loose off the sled leases.

"I think we should send someone to check it out before sending the rest." Skeppy got down from his horse, staring at the light with the others.

"Niki, you have three lives, can you try?" Niki nodded at Puffy as she dropped her things, approaching the light nervously.

Disappearing into the blizzard's opacity, the others turned to the rest of the people behind them, who were waiting around and whispering to each other.

"I hope she comes back..." Sam got off his horse and sat around with the others.

A scream erupted from the other side, causing the trio to stand up, weapons unsheathed in a hurry.

"Niki?! Are you okay?!" Puffy ran into the fog blindly, causing Sam and Skeppy to run after her.

Niki came into view. But she wasn't in fear or dead. She was smiling widely, with about six figures behind her, two holding torches with blazing blue fire.

"Skeppy! I came back alive!" Skeppy's eyes filled with tears as he ran towards one of the figures and tackled them to the ground.

"Sapnap, you made it back..." The two hugged as Tubbo sped towards Puffy and nearly knocked her off her balance with his hug.

Ponk came back with a crossbow in hand and some poison, looking at Sam.

"Your old plan worked." He held out the poison so he could see it clearly. "It was so logical and straightforward. Why did you scrap it?"

"That doesn't matter right now," Sam dropped his weapons and hugged him tight. "I'm just glad you came back alive and well."

The group turned back to get back to the others quickly.

Philza and Techno hugged with open arms and Hbomb, wearing a furry fluffy maid dress carried Fundy around the carts and animals. Purpled was put into cuffs both in hands and a diamond sheet on his back to keep him from attacking people. Basically, everyone was happy to see that phase one had no casualty.

"So does the nuke completely wipe out the demon?" Ponk asked, passing some hot cocoa to Tubbo as he thanked him and sipped some.

"Well, it breaks the demon down to its simplest cellular structure, and then makes it explode and uses a special type of magic found while enchanting some weapons to completely wipe the cell with no trace. An immortal demon can survive it normally, but if it's in an injured state it's unlikely."

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