"You still think Bad would succumb to the pitifulness of mortality."

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Skeppy's eyes opened as he looked at his surroundings. Snow nearly covered him, and a familiar cyan box hung on a tree branch. He turned around. The portal he went through was blocked in the same red bloody blocks.

Standing up and dusting himself, he tried to make out where he was. Spruce trees, snow, frozen lake...

"Holy shit, I teleported to Techno's place! If that isn't dream luck, I don't know what is," He grabbed the cyan box off of the tree branch, holding it in his hands as he flipped it over and looked inside.

Apart from being soggy and a bit torn up, the derp box was just like he left it.

"I'm coming to save you, Bad..." He whispered to himself as he put on the infamous box his old friend once made for him.

The ground started shaking as Skeppy's instincts kicked in, causing him to jump away with a trail of ice following him from where he was standing while the ground split open.

Giant blood vines slithered out of the crack, wrapping around trees and melting the snow and ice in it.

Running away from the vines to a good distance, he glanced at his hand, which was darkened in frostbite from the blast he has used to get away from the rumbling ground.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought..." He mumbled to himself as he walked away from the area, clutching his hand like it had just fallen off.

Wandering around the forest, he finally spotted a cottage in the distance with a stable and dog house, instantly recognizing the pig man's residence.

At the door, a white haired and white cloaked being stood, not moving at all.

"Technoblade? Technoblade!" Skeppy dropped his bags and ran towards the figure, the snow thick and firm as Skeppy made out the greyish figure in the white themed environment.

"Techno?" Skeppy stopped in front of the snowet(white haired dude idk), searching for his distinguishable figures. "Who are you?"

"Do you think you could've just left the egg and not face any consequences?" An enchanted netherite axe was placed at the base of Skeppy's neck. "You're dead wrong. Whether I take all your three lives here or take you to Bad to do it for me, is up to you."

The cold blade flashed to Bad slicing his face, blood on the veiny floor, sending shivers down his spine. "Why can't you just let me go?"

"You being alive keeps the egg in distress," The blade pressed deeper into his skin, blood flowing from the cut. "and we can't have that when we're literally the strongest group on the server, can we Skeppy?"

He looked into his dead red eyes, showing no sign of life or control. "Techno..."

An idea came to mind.

"Anyways, try and get some of it. A bottle or two will do the trick. Since the egg may most likely be a dreamon itself from its behaviours, throwing some of the good ol' church prime water can do the trick."

Digging one of his hands into his pocket for the bottle, he carried it by the tip as he glared at Techno the whole time.

'I'm gonna probably die from this..." He thought in his mind as he put his plan to action. Immediately, he used his free hand to punch Technoblade's face, using the same hand to summon some snow to crystalize around his legs.

Techno shrieked inhumanly as he attempted to get out, flailing his sword and limbs around as sharp vines with tips made of similar materials that blocked the portals sprouted from his back.

Skeppy swung his axe at some of them, spraying blood and vine flesh everywhere as he used every second given to him to pull out the prime water bottle.

"Don't try and fight it Skeppy, every god who once lived in this world's blood has spilled into these vines. You stand nothing near them, diamond boy." Techno didn't even look like a piglin anymore; just an amalgamation of blood vines with a fancy cloak on. "Your blood will simply be compost to crops!"

Unable to unscrew the cap, Skeppy shook up the bottle and was about to aim it at him when he felt something go through his body.

He froze in his position as blood dripped onto the snow floor, the vine slowly pulling away from the wound it caused in his abdomen.

"You really think you're funny, huh?" Vines grabbed his legs and pulled Skeppy to himself, a vine slapping him in the cheek.

"To make the egg angry?" Another vine slapped his other cheek. "To allow you to run around on the loose when the egg wants to see you?" A vine dug into his neck, blood spilling on the snow.

"You want to know what really makes me pissed the most?" Technoblade held his axe at the left side of Skeppy's neck, looking into his blue eyes.

"You still think Bad would succumb to the pitifulness of mortality." Skeppy's eyes widened as blood rippled through the side neck, splattering onto his cloak and face.

His bleeding body fell on the floor, the prime water bottle rolling out of his hands. He tried to reach for it, but a vine stabbed his wrist, causing him to shriek in pain.

"Disgusting mortals. Getting blood all over my clothes." Techno's eyes softened as his vines him dug out of the ice, one picking at Skeppy as he coughed up blood.

The vines of Technoblade were about to free himself from the ice and finish the job when a glass bottle of prime water hit his vines like a bullet. Steam filled the air and Techno screamed, his vines melting and spilling onto the snow like blood.

"Skeppy!" The derp box man fell onto the floor, turning to the direction where the screams came from. A tall black and white figure with a green man ran towards him, weapons and potions in hand.

He felt all the life leaving his body. He failed his friends. He failed the server. He failed Bad. He failed everyone.

Bad really wouldn't give a shit about him anymore, would he?

He felt himself being lifted onto something as he blacked out from the blood loss.

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