"I survived. I don't know how to save the others."

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"Rose? What does that mean?"

He pressed play, and the voice whispering seemed a bit feminine. It talked in enderman, a language he'd only heard Ranboo use. He used his watch and leaned it beside the recorder, projecting a hologram of captions in enderman language.

⟟ ⌇⎍⍀⎐⟟⎐⟒⎅. ⟟ ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⊑⍜⍙ ⏁⍜ ⌇⏃⎐⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀⌇.

⌇⊑⟒ ☌⍜⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⋔, ⌇⊑⟒ ☌⍜⏁ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⏁⊑⟟⋏☌.

⟟ ☊⏃⋔⟒ ⍜⎍⏁ ⍜⎎ ⋔⊬ ⊑⟟⏚⟒⍀⋏⏃⏁⟟⍜⋏ ⎎⍜⍀ ⌇⌿⍀⟟⋏☌, ⍀⟒⏃⎅⊬ ⏁⍜ ☌⍀⍜⍙ ⋔⊬ ⍀⍜⌇⟒⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ⟒⋏⟊⍜⊬ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⍙⟒⟒⏁ ⍙⏃⍀⋔ ⏚⍀⟒⟒⋉⟒ ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⍜⎎⏁ ☌⍀⏃⌇⌇, ⏚⎍⏁ ⏃⌰⌰ ⟟ ⌇⏃⍙ ⍙⏃⌇ ⍀⟒⎅.

⏚⌰⍜⍜⎅, ⎐⟟⋏⟒⌇, ⎎⌰⟒⌇⊑. ⟟⏁ ☊⍜⋏⌇⎍⋔⟒⎅ ⋔⟒. ⟟⏁ ☊⍜⋏⌇⎍⋔⟒⎅ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⏃⋏⎅ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⌇⏁⟟⌰⌰ ⌰⟟⎐⟒⎅ ⊑⟒⍀⟒. ⟟ ⏁⊑⍜⎍☌⊑⏁ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⎅⟟⟒⎅ ⍜⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏁⏃☍⟒⋏ ⍜⎐⟒⍀ ⏚⊬ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒☌☌.

⍀⟒⎅ ⎎⌰⟒⌇⊑⊬ ⏚⟒⟟⋏☌⌇ ⍙⏃⌰☍⟟⋏☌, ⏃⋏⎅ ⟟⎎ ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍⟒⎅ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏, ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⍙⟒⍀⟒ ⎍⋏⎎⏃⋔⟟⌰⟟⏃⍀, ⎍⋏⎍⌇⎍⏃⌰ ⏃⋏⎅ ⟊⎍⌇⏁, ⍙⟒⟟⍀⎅ ⟟⎎ ⟟'⋔ ⏚⟒⟟⋏☌ ⊑⍜⋏⟒⌇⏁.

⟟ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏃⏚⌰⟒ ⏁⍜ ☌⟒⏁ ⊑⟒⍀⟒. ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⌇⎍⍀⍀⍜⎍⋏⎅⟒⎅ ⋔⟒. ⟟ ⏁⍀⟟⟒⎅, ⟟ ⍙⏃⌇ ⌇☊⏃⍀⟒⎅. ⟟ ⌇⎍⍀⎐⟟⎐⟒⎅ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌿⍜⏁⏃⏁⍜⟒⌇ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⍜⍀⏃☌⟒ ⍀⍜⍜⋔ ⎎⍜⍀ ⋔⍜⋏⏁⊑⌇. ⟟ ⎅⟟⎅⋏'⏁ ⍙⏃⋏⏁ ⊑⟒⍀ ⏁⍜ ⎎⟟⋏⎅ ⋔⟒. ⟟ ⎅⟟⎅⋏'⏁ ⍙⏃⋏⏁ ⏁⍜ ⟒⋏⎅ ⎍⌿ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀⌇.

⏁⊑⟒⊬ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⎅⟒⋔⍜⋏. ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏. ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍜⋏⌰⊬ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⌰⏃⋏☌⎍⏃☌⟒ ⟟ ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⎍⌇⟒ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⍙⍜⎍⌰⎅⋏'⏁ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅.

⟟⎎ ⟟'⋔ ⎅⟒⏃⎅ ⏚⊬ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⟟⋔⟒ ⏃⋏⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⎎⟟⋏⎅⌇ ⏁⊑⟟⌇, ⌇⍜ ⏚⟒ ⟟⏁. ⟟⏁ ⍙⏃⌇ ⋏⟟☊⟒ ⏁⍜ ⏚⟒ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍀⟟⎅⟒.

⏚⎍⏁ ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒, ⎎⍜⍀ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⍜⎎ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⏃⋏⎅ ⏃⋏⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⌇⏁⟟⌰⌰ ⍀⍜⏃⋔⌇ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⍙⍜⍀⌰⎅ ⎍⋏⟟⋏⎎⟒☊⏁⟒⎅, ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⍜⌿⟒⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⏃⟟⋏ ☊⟒⌰⌰. ⟟⏁ ⏁⍜⍜☍ ⋔⍜⋏⏁⊑⌇ ⏁⍜ ☍⟒⟒⌿ ⊑⟒⍀ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒, ⏃⋏⎅ ⟟⏁ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⏁⏃☍⟒ ⊬⟒⏃⍀⌇, ⎅⟒☊⏃⎅⟒⌇, ⊑⟒⌰⌰, ☊⟒⋏⏁⎍⍀⟟⟒⌇, ⏁⍜ ⌿⎍⏁ ⊑⟒⍀ ⏚⏃☊☍.

⌇⊑⟒ ⊑⍜⌰⎅⌇ ⏃⏚⟟⌰⟟⏁⟟⟒⌇ ⋏⍜⏁ ⟒⎐⟒⋏ ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⍜⎎, ⌇⊑⟒'⌇ ⌇⏁⍀⍜⋏☌⟒⍀ ⏁⊑⏃⋏ ⍙⟟⌰⏚⎍⍀ ⏃⋏⎅ ⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔ ☊⍜⋔⏚⟟⋏⟒⎅ ⏁⟟⋔⟒⌇ ⏁⍙⟒⌰⎐⟒ ⟟⎎ ⟟ ☍⋏⍜⍙ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⟟'⋔ ⌇⏃⊬⟟⋏☌.

⏚⌰⍜⍙ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⌰⏃☊⟒ ⎍⌿. ⎅⟒⌇⏁⍀⍜⊬ ⟟⏁ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⏃⌇⏁ ⏚⍀⟟☊☍. ⟟⏁ ⊑⍜⌰⎅⌇ ⏚⟒⟟⋏☌⌇ ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⟒☊⍀⟒⏁⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⟒⋏⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍙⍜⍀⌰⎅ ⟟⎎ ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⍙⟒⍀⟒ ⏁⍜ ⌇⟒⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⟟☌⊑⏁ ⍜⎎ ⎅⏃⊬.

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