Chapter 157: Back to Knighton.

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

Author's Note: Wow! 392K views and 12.5K votes. Thank you all so much for reading! (See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

(Third Person P.O.V)

___Nexo Knights___

The Forgotten Revenge floated silently on the ocean. It was eerily quiet and calm. Anyone who knew Sea Monsters knew that this was completely abnormal and was a sign of an impending storm. Though there wasn't a cloud in sight, there was indeed a storm brewing and coming their way. It wasn't rain or lightning that would be striking, but the news that had become a buzz across the Realm.

They had begrudgingly sent out scrolls detailing what was to take place to the humans as is custom considering that they too were involved.

The news of a trial was covered by Knighton News Network and then some. Completely overshadowing Jestro's pardon for his crimes while under the influence of the Book of Monsters. Countless cameras and journalists were requesting to be at the trial, being held on the Isle of Vile to avoid any possible complications.

There was talk that they should wait until the Elm of the Dark Realm returned for wherever the ancient monster had left to sighting personal business just hours before the sudden arrival of the prisoner Maya and an enraged (Y/N).

It had taken the combined efforts of the present monsters to stop the enraged Queen of Monsters from her frothing rage. Her anger was just radiating off of her in the form of dark, purple magic flying from her body. And all of it specifically targeted at Maya.

Maya was now within the Dark Tower Castle dungeons. Her world was crumbling down around her. She was a criminal awaiting trial, and her reputation was lying dead in a ditch alongside her dignity and pride. Maya could only pray that Ray and her children were safe.

"Wretched is too kind a word for this witch." One of the monsters patrolling in the dungeon snorted as he passed Maya's cell. Maya watched as the blue monster continued his rounds. She wondered what weird morbid world she was in. They were probably taking advantage of her situation to enjoy her suffering.

(Third Person P.O.V)

____ Ninjago ____

With the Ninjas dealing with the Reversal Blade. Echo took Cyrus Borg home to Borg tower where a very elated Mindroid was happily reunited with the wheelchair user.

Minidroid beeped insistently at Cyrus Borg, obviously chastising the man for getting kidnapped. While Ronin and Dareth had left to go back to Dareth's dojo.

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