Chapter 46: Thunderblade.

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(Third Person P.O.V) Chen's Skating Rink

The skating rink was about normal size. It was dark red In the centre of the rink was Chen's chair. Clouse stood beside it. And against the top of the right wall was a large scoreboard with Master of Form and Lloyd's faces above the score numbers.

The rest of the Elemental Masters stood at the start/finish line of the rink. Kai kept clinging to the nearest person repeatedly, trying not to fall.

"Welcome... To the Thunderblade!" Master Chen announced, skating toward the Elemental Masters.

"Hey, I know this! This is-" Griffin Turner cheered. "No! You don't know this! This is my game! I made it up!" Master Chen interrupted, scoldingly. "Fully original!" Master Chen lied.

Next to where he stood was a rack with a few blades hanging on it, as well as some orange and green helmets. Master Chen took two of the blades, and two of the helmets: one green, the other orange.

"A blade for Lloyd, Master of Energy." Master Chen said, tossing a blade and the green helmet to Lloyd, who caught both of them with ease.

"And one for Chamille, Master of Form... Where is she?" Master Chen asked looking around. Chamille appeared in one of Chen's guards.

"There you are." Master Chen said, tossing the other blade and helmet to her. She smirked as she caught both.

"What exactly is this again?" One of the Elemental Master asked.

"Easy," Master Chen sneered. "Skate across the finish line with your blade in hand, and you get a point. Most points when time runs out Wins." Master Chen explained rather perkily as he pointed to the scoreboard, where a clock with fourteen minutes for the competition had been set up.

"What about us?" Tox asked. "Are we supposed to just stand here?"

"You all get to help whatever competitor you choose." Master Chen said smirking Skylor, Griffin Turner, Neuro, Paleman, Toxikita and Shadow all took Chamille's side. Jay, Kai, took Lloyd's.

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