Chapter 42: Cover-up or Frame-up

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

It was late that night and (Y/N) was busy formulating a plan she had an interesting stroll around Chen's palace looking for all the hidden passageways some not so secret hideyholes and some rather interesting peepholes.

But sadly no sign of Zane, though (Y/N) did happen to catch a rather bizarre game between Clouse and Chen. That she couldn't help but interfere with.

Abusing her power was starting to feel really  good.

A tapping sound was coming from the balcony could be heard. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and opened the door, Jay quickly entered shutting the door behind him.

"(Y/N), You won't believe what we found." Jay screamed and began to recount what they had found like a hyperactive child honestly (Y/N) was just glad to see Jay so energetic.

(Jay's P.O.V)

"Kai created a flame in his hand, lighting the tunnel. We followed along until I pointed out the two holes in the wall."

"I said secret peep-holes wow, even cooler then the last time and Kai's face went bright red."

"Then some of Chen's followers were coming our way. We hid behind a large boulder before attacking and stealing their clothes."

"I noticed Cole was still carrying the bowl with chocolate in it. So we rubbed the chocolate from Cole's bowl on our faces and smeared it to look like tattoos then followed a group of Chen's followers inside a large red and orange room."

"Karlof was being dragged in by two more Chen's followers and sat in front of Chen, who sat on a large throne."

"In his hands was this long, golden staff with a gem embedded in the middle. The gem glowed all different colours."

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