Chapter 28: Sensei Garmadon

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

Zane felt like he'd been punched in the gut. He felt so guilty that his brother had been abandoned because of him.

Echo Zane looked at Zane and smiled. "Brother!" Echo Zane yelled out. He ran over to Zane and put his arms around him in a big robot hug.

This caught Zane off guard. He nearly fell backwards. They were embraced in the hug for several minutes until Echo Zane finally released Zane.

Zane felt like the worst person in the world.

"What do I call You, Brother?" Zane asked. "I am Zane, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Echo Zane said with a big smile "But I like it when (Y/N) calls me Echo."

Zane felt like he'd been punched in the gut again at the mention of the girl he loved by his brother.

"(Y/N), Calls you Echo?" Zane asked his copper brother. "(Y/N) said I deserved a name all of my own, that I was not a replacement and that father was to blind to see that." Echo Zane quoted.

"Do you miss Father?" Zane asked. Echo nodded and asked the same of his brother. "Do you?" Zane nodded as well. "How did it feel when Father left you?" he asked.

"Bad." Echo Zane answered. The air became melancholic between the brothers.

"He never told me he built you." Zane said. "He always talked about you." Echo Zane answered.

"I am so sorry. Perhaps in the excitement of seeing me again, he forgot about you." Zane said trying to comfort him.

"It feels bad being forgotten." Echo admitted. "It does." Zane nodded in agreement.

The brothers sat in silence for a while. Then Zane broke the silence.

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