Chapter 39: The Island of Master Chen Part 3

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(Third Person P.O.V)

The Treble Makers Room

Echo was the only member that was even remotely happy right now. "How would they like it if we dressed up in human bonesss and ssskin." Lasha hissed bitterly. Choken, Mezmo and Snappa all nodded in agreement.

"It's disgusting and offensive on so many levels. The sooner we leave the better." (Y/N) declared.

"But what about Zane?" Echo pleaded. "Echo. Zane might not even be here it's a trap." (Y/N) sighed exacted from trying to explain it to Echo.

Mezmo started to pat Echo on the back. "Echo..." Mezmo began unsure of how to continue to explain this to the copper Nindroid.

A tapping sound was coming from the balcony could be heard. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Choken went and opened the door and Lloyd and Jay entered.

"Sorry about this but we needed to talk to you." Lloyd said quickly shutting the door behind them.

"About what?" (Y/N) questioned and Jay pulled out the poster with Zane on it.

"Where did you get that?" (Y/N) asked inspecting the poster. "It's what drew us here. It says that Zane is alive and if we wanted to find out more we'd have to enter the tournament to find out." Jay answered.

"It'ss obviously bait, to lure them here." Snappa huffed. "Where is Zane?" Echo asked looking at the poster with his brother on it with hope.

"Echo..." Mezmo began only to be cut off by Jay. "We know it a trap we're not blind."

"All the Elemental Masters are being gathered here for something either it's for wealth or status or information/blackmail. If Zane is alive he's been brought here and it can't be good." Lloyd pointed out.

"Lloyd, that just proof against your claims whoever wrote that could be lying just to get you and your team here." (Y/N) pointed out letting out a frustrated sigh.

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