Chapter 68: The Haunted Temple of Sensei Yang

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

Morro had summoned two new ghosts to aid him in his quest leaving Morro rather weak from the summoning but was still hard at work figuring out the next clue.

"The second symbol. Can either of you decipher it? That was the reason why I bought you two out." Morro hissed (Y/N) was propping him up as he was too weak to stand on his own.

"I can, but you'll need more than Airjitzu to get there." Bansha warned.

"Are you suggesting that we'll need to possess a few more vessels, Bansha?" Soul Archer questioned with a smile.

"Haha. Me likes! Me likes to take! Take now, heh!" Ghoultar giggled away in insanity.

"Settle down, Ghoultar. Master would want us to be patient. I think I know where to pick up a" Morro ordered his breath becoming harder from raising his voice.

Soul Archer noticed something laying on the ground at Morro's feet and picked it up.

Soul Archer unfolded the piece of paper to see what it was Souls Archer immediately saw red as he held up the paper Morro had dropped for all to see.

"Serpentine! She works with the Serpentine!" Soul Archer screamed holding up the poster Lloyd had been carrying in his gi before Morro possessed him.

Morro couldn't think of why Soul Archer would be so upset then it dawned on him Soul Archer fought against the Serpentine in the war Soul Archer released an arrow aimed state at (Y/N)'s heart.

Before the ghostly arrow could meet its mark or Morro's wind could stop it (Y/N) caught it in her right hand.

Morro's mouth hung open and Soul Archer just stood there completely speechless. The fact that (Y/N) had caught one of Soul Archers arrows wasn't what had the ghosts shellshocked it was the fact that she was holding it.

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