Chapter 90: Ronin, Bounty Hunter.

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Nya and Kai successfully make it to Jamanakai Village.

"What are we doing all the way out in Jamanakai Village? The genie was never out here." Kai asked his sister.

"You mean Djinn and since your Dragon will attract too much attention. We'll need a more discrete mode of transportation. Ninjago's a big place." Nya instructed her brother.

"How? The police stole all our vehicles." Kai questioned. "They didn't take all of our vehicles." Nya said as she reveals a secret storage area.

"I always keep a spare for times like these." Nya giggled at her brother's surprises.Nya's bracelet began to beep and glow.

"It's Zane's SOS beacon. There's trouble." Nya said in a panic. "What are we waiting for? Lead the way." Kai said as they drove away.

(Third Person P.O.V)

Cole and Jay were still flying on their dragons heading for New Ninjago City.

"What the hell was that about?" Cole said annoyed to the highest calibre. "I honestly haven't a clue. Nya just came over to me." Jay shivered clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation back there.

"Funny how people never realize what they have till it's gone." Cole chuckled. "Thanks for saving me back there." Jay thanked Cole, acknowledging what Cole had done for him.

"No problem. You're my best friend." Cole said shooting Jay a smile, it irked Cole that Nya was trying to do that to Jay again.

Even though Jay had forgiven Cole things were far from where they once were and Cole honestly missed that.

"Where should we go first?" Cole asked trying to continue the talk. "How about the art gallery?" Jay suggested.

"Oh. I see, you want to clear your name first." Cole teased. "I have to prove my innocence, Cole." Jay defended. "My parents think I'm a thief!"

"Yeah. I get it." Cole responded. "It sucks having a parent who doubts you. I should know."

"Yeah. At least you and your dad made up. I've never really had to deal with extreme parent issues before." Jay sighed this was so hard for him right now.

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