Chapter 75: The Master Writer.

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Author note: Anyone want to guess the realm (Y/N) is from one last time?

(Third Person P.O.V)

Fenwick leads the Ninja to a skiff. "So this Master Writer, he'll decide if we get the sword just by looking at us?" Cole questioned Fenwick who nodded.

"It is an important decision, one that will not only decide the fate of Ninjago but the fate of the Sixteen Realms." Fenwick answered assuring them all on to the skiff.

"Do you know what's inside the tomb?" Kai asked Fenwick.

"I do. Morro's after the Realm Crystal. It's the doorway to the Sixteen Realms." Fenwick said starting up the skiff.

"Wow!" Jay gasped at the possibilities.

"It is a bridge to greater understanding... or a gateway to ruin. When the First Spinjitzu Master created it, he knew the power to freely cross realms could never fall into the wrong hands,"

"Which is why he buried it with him in his final resting place. A tomb protected by impossible traps that only a Master of Spinjitzu could get by with the aid of the Sword of Sanctuary." Fenwick explained to them.

"But I thought Morro just wanted to be the Green Ninja. What does he want with the Crystal?" Cole questioned the monk.

"It is not Morro who sees the power to ruin, but his master, the Preeminent." Fenwick explained to the ninjas.

"The Cursed Realm. He's in charge?" Kai inquired. "Not he, but she." Fenwick corrected the Ninja of Fire with a smug smirk.

"The Queen of the Cursed. If Morro uses the Crystal to free her there will be no stopping her reign until every last Realm falls under her vengeful control." Fenwick warned as they arrive at a building.

"We're here! Wasn't that a lovely ride?" Fenwick said with a smile as they came to a stop.

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