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It was the next day, Thursday, that Katsuki was stopped in the hall by a nervous General Studies student. Or rather, a few of them.

"Purote!" His eyes went wide and all plans of yelling at this kid went out the window. The Bakusquad around him looked shocked. The girl he barely recognized held a rose, pink, out to him and he took it. 

"We've missed you!" Another student called, also handing him a flower, a daisy. A smile formed as more and a few more flowers were given to him.

"Purote!" a small voice called to him and he looked down. He knew this boy, he remembered him. He'd retrieved the boy after a kidnapping for ransom happened. Katsuki squatted down to the boy, his quirk made him very small, and the kid used it to his advantage, keeping himself small and cute. He offered Katsuki two poppies.

"How's your sister? She's okay?" He inquired. The boy smiled, nodding with an adorable thumbs up.

"She was happy that we found you!"

"Tch, 'course she was, the nut" He grinned before standing back up. "How'd you know I was here?"

The girl that'd originally stopped him held up his drawing. "You're the only one who can blast villains away Purote!" Katsuki was about to correct them and say he was the villain when his hand was grabbed by Kaminari, who raised it in the air

"He's number one!" 

He felt Kirishima put an arm around his shoulder. "So manly" The teen gave a shark-like grin when the students cheered.

Katsuki grinned, "We gotta get to class now, I'm visiting this weekend"

He was hit with an onslaught of smiles. there were comments about throwing a party. As Katsuki started walking away with the Bakusquad, A hand pushed a juicebox into his, making his body feel all warm and happy. In one hand he had the handful of flowers and in the other the juice. His bag was hanging from his shoulder and Kaminari was beside him, Kirishima on the other side. Ashido and Sero were both behind him gushing over the fact that he had fans. He was surrounded and safe. Shitty hair opened the door for them and Katsuki was both worried and relieved to see Aizawa. He stepped in, most of the class there because he was held up.

As the rest of his 'squad' went to their seats, he paused and turned to Aizawa, "So?"

"Apprehended" there was a dark undertone that told Katsuki that his teacher had done a little more than catch the assaulter.

"Good" he went to sit down but was stopped, again, by Mineta.

"Bakugou," He sat down and turned slightly, ignoring the fact that the shitty nerd obviously turned too, "I live the next neighborhood over from Block 16, you're Purote right?" The usually annoying boy kept his voice low

"Tch, fuck's it to you?"

"I'll ask later" Katsuki rolled his eyes and turned back to his teacher. Aizawa declared it a study period and curled up in his sleeping bag with a threat to those who woke him. but for the first time, he added a short 'unless there's an injury' to the end.

Immediately after the teacher was asleep, everyone started talking. Mineta stood next to Katsuki's desk drawing a decent amount of attention considering that he usually bothered the girls.


"Just fucking talk, grape-head" He would've called the boy a grapeist but he couldn't bring himself to it.

"Is it true that you've stopped a few villains in Block 16?"

"Tch, who told you?" He simply responded, earning a few sharp breaths from listeners

"Some super short kid" Mineta shrugged, "but... could you help my cousin?"

"Fuck no" He denied, until Mineta got on his knees. By now everyone was watching, and Katsuki didn't like the attention.

"Please Bakugou, my cousin always gets hurt!"

"Fine dammit, I'll swing by this weekend" He muttered causing the purple headed boy to smile and bow again.

"Thank you Bakugou"

"Stop calling me that" He whispered, not intending for the boy to hear him but it was heard

"Thank you Purote" the boy's voice whispered back and Katsuki nodded back. Mineta sat back at his seat and Katsuki began the process of pressing the flowers he got. He ripped pages from a notebook and placed the flowers between them before shoving the paper separated flowers between pages in his textbooks. He put the books away before laying his head on his arms for a nap, Before he could fall asleep though, a finger tapped him. He sat up and turned around to a nervous Deku. 

"Fuck do you want, shitty nerd?"

"This– This is for you" the boy squeaked out, holding out a folded paper that had a badly drawn Pikachu on it. Katsuki grabbed it from the All Might fanboy and turned back to read it. He hid a flush when the words registered


'Wanna go on a date with me?'

'yes'             'no'

'- Kami'


Katsuki pulled out a pen and circled yes, but not before adding a 'fuck' before it so that it said 'fuck yes'. he folded it again and added a discount price tag to the Pikachu before turning back to Deku.

"Give this back to Dunce face"

The grenette nodded, hair bouncing and handed it to Sero, who handed it to Kirishima, who held it out to Kaminari, who grabbed it quickly and laughed at the Pikachu. Katsuki watched the teen turn red and smile, turning to fistbump Kirishima in celebration.

"Did they want you to tutor them, Kacchan?" Deku mumbled to him

"Tch, the fucking discount Pikachu wanted to confirm something obvious, idiot" he replied, closely watching Kaminari write something on the paper before handing it back to Kirishima.

He was excited. 

Word Count: 976


((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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